Ok, so I promised to post more this month than last, and I think I fulfilled that obligation. This is my 4th posting this month, wheras in November I only posted twice. This month you get TWICE as many of my thoughts. Considering some months I posted 10 or 12 times, this makes me sad. However, considering that that was during my brief period of one job, no classes, no life, I don't think it's fair to expect 10-12. So I am setting my 2006 goal at once a week. You'll get 4 or 5 posts a month. Fair enough?
So I probably missed the boat on the Holiday / Christmas debate, but I want to throw in my two cents worth: Holiday means Holy Day! How does that stop offending people? If you were afraid Merry Christmas offends, than you are probably still offending. Besides, Christmas is part of the American tradition. It has been going on for centuries. Suck it up people. Deal with it. It is laregly celebrated in this country as a secular holiday anyway, focusing more on Santa Claus, presents, and family than Jesus Christ. So how does it offend? Plus this country was based on religious principals "In God We Trust" "One Nation Under God", etc. Get over it. We let anyone freely practice their religion, don't take away American Christian traditions from the rest of us. My grandpa said he was going to go into stores and say "Oh, you have Holiday trees / presents/ whatever? I was looking for Christmas trees/ presents/whatever." and walk out. Good idea. :)
And while we're on the topic of tradition, I am very sorry we never made English the official language. I am no opposed to legal immigration. Illegal...well we need to do something about the Mexican situation. But anyway. The thing is, you come into America, LEARN ENGLISH! I can even see Texas and California and such with their semi-bilingualness. Those lands used to be part of Mexico. But if you're working in Columbus, Ohio in say, I don't know, the kitchen at Steak N Shake, you need to learn to speak English! Us Caucasions are rapidly heading towards minority status, and tell us it will happen in the next few decades in this country. Let's make Enligh the language now. We've alwasy spoken it. If I went down to Tijuana and got a job I'd learn Spanish. Come on people!
Anyway, Feliz Holimas. See you all in 2006.
"We're sorry Monica. Chandler's cheating on you. We saw him go into a house with a blond woman and they came out in 45 minutes looking pretty happy."
"I'm devasted. What did you think of the house?"
~Friends, the gang to Monica, when they catch Chandler with the realtor, which Monica and Chandler have kept a secret
Bonus Qops!
"What a surprise, I like proposals!" ~ Ross, referring to his 3 marriages
"You should give the money for your next wedding to charity."
"No, the fourth one will be in Hawaii at sunset. Maybe the 5th." ~ Friends, Phoebe and Ross
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Holiday Cheer
I am right now pretty...under the influence...at my friend Lisa's Holiday Cheer party. She has been calling it that for years, and it has nothing to do with this absurd campaign to insult Christmas, so don't think that. Anyway her shots and wonderful punch have left me feeling happy so I figured I would wirte something. I got champagne and Godiva chocolate in the gift exchange. Yay! I am correcting all my typos (I think) so don't hate me if I make one. Go buy my book! Also, John Spencer died. He played Leo on The West Wing. No more Leo. I am so sad. Who's gonna be Vice President now? Anyway, back to drinking some more. Merry Christmas!
"Where's Leo? Has anyone seen Leo?" ~ people on The West Wing when they couldn't find Leo last season cause he had an attack in the woods after he was fired
"Where's Leo? Has anyone seen Leo?" ~ people on The West Wing when they couldn't find Leo last season cause he had an attack in the woods after he was fired
Thursday, December 15, 2005
My Alias
My book is selling ok so far...keep buying people! :) Go to www.amazon.com and search the title An Actor's Nightmare to purchase your copy today! Anyway, other than that I have been working my butt off. Still pulling full time hours at Steak N Shake and substituting every day (except not today because it was a snow day, which disappointed me). But the reason for my entry:
Alias is finally coming to an end. It was inevitable, and I said all summer this should be it's last season. However, they did a major cast overhaul and there were so many ways to go with it so I was finally getting comfortable with the idea that the show would go on. That and Jennifer Garner supposedly signed a contract to take the show through 2007. Then the bad news comes around Thanksgiving. This will indeed be Alias's last season. Now they are rocketing towards one exicitng closer! Vaughn is dead, and Irena is back! Or is Vaugh dead? Maybe? Some of my friends think not. Something is going on with Sydney's baby, and now Prophet Five and SD-6 are connected! Yes, this is going to be one well of a season. If they could just bring back Weiss and Marshall's wife I'd be happier. Oh, well. Here we go!
P.S. The rumor out is that Star Trek XI will focus on the mirror universe and star William Shatner and Patrick Stewart, and possibly Scott Bakula. Anyone else afraid of this concept?
P.P.S. Go Eva Longaria for being included with the rest of the Housewives in this year's Golden Globes nominations, and Candence Bergen for her nomination. Also props to My Name Is Earl and the much better than last season Grey's Anatomy. Now will they halt the possible cancellation of Arrested Development? I mean, we're going to get Justine Bateman fod goodness sakes! Fox, don't cancel it!!!
WILLOW: Promise me you'll never be linear.
OZ: On my trout.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Choices"
Alias is finally coming to an end. It was inevitable, and I said all summer this should be it's last season. However, they did a major cast overhaul and there were so many ways to go with it so I was finally getting comfortable with the idea that the show would go on. That and Jennifer Garner supposedly signed a contract to take the show through 2007. Then the bad news comes around Thanksgiving. This will indeed be Alias's last season. Now they are rocketing towards one exicitng closer! Vaughn is dead, and Irena is back! Or is Vaugh dead? Maybe? Some of my friends think not. Something is going on with Sydney's baby, and now Prophet Five and SD-6 are connected! Yes, this is going to be one well of a season. If they could just bring back Weiss and Marshall's wife I'd be happier. Oh, well. Here we go!
P.S. The rumor out is that Star Trek XI will focus on the mirror universe and star William Shatner and Patrick Stewart, and possibly Scott Bakula. Anyone else afraid of this concept?
P.P.S. Go Eva Longaria for being included with the rest of the Housewives in this year's Golden Globes nominations, and Candence Bergen for her nomination. Also props to My Name Is Earl and the much better than last season Grey's Anatomy. Now will they halt the possible cancellation of Arrested Development? I mean, we're going to get Justine Bateman fod goodness sakes! Fox, don't cancel it!!!
WILLOW: Promise me you'll never be linear.
OZ: On my trout.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Choices"
Monday, December 05, 2005
James Dailey, The Author
My uncle introduced me to his friends as James Wetzel Jerome Dailey, the author. Boy that felt weird. I'd love to write about something else because I'm sure everyone is tired of my talking about the book all the time, but to tell you the truth, it's about all that's been on my mind. Sorry. The first few days saw some sales, which made me happy. I'm still waiting for the first weekend's numbers to come in. We'll see what those bring. But since I have yet to be out promoting it, I'm trying to think low key for now. Still, it is so exciting. I am going to be featured in Otterbein's Monthly Alumni Newsletter as the alumni of the month sometime soon. I don't know when, but they did the interview already. How cool is that? Plus the Hurt Battelle Memorial Library in West Jeff is setting up an event for me in March, and going to try to get the local high school English classes involved. I'm really excited about that one. Anyone else have any ideas, feel free to let me know! Anyway, that's all I'm writing for today. Take care!
Kate Harper (Mary Montgomery), The West Wing: " We have a contingency plan to invade Canada?"
Kate Harper (Mary Montgomery), The West Wing: " We have a contingency plan to invade Canada?"
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The Day I've Been Waiting For
First off, I'm sorry that I only did two entries for November. I resolve to do better in the coming days. But the big news is that An Actor's Nightmare went on sale yesterday, November 29, 2005. Why is that exciting? Because I am a published author! I had no knowledge of the release date until it was already out, so I apologize for no earlier notification, but hey, get over it, and go buy lots of copies! Spread the word to all your friends! Go to www.amazon.com and type in the title, or the author's name, me, James Wetzel Jerome Dailey. Please tell everyone you know! Also, I am going to be the featured OC Grad of the Month coming up in early 2006. I don't know which month yet, but they asked me and I said yes so I will let you know when I do. They chose me because of my book. Yay! I am also making the book available to libraries, so please encourage your local branch to get copies! Finally, I am starting to try to plan on publicity events, so please, let me know if you have any ideas for me. I will do any event, be it a small book club in your home or whatever. Thanks all and take care!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Long Time

It's been a long time since I updated. I've been busy. Sue me. The search for a girl is still zt ground zero. Ah, well. I am really into that How I Met Your Mother show and think I'm in about that stage of my life. Too bad there isn't a girl every week to try to date. Or just one would be fine too. :) I have some pics of Michael's cats. You know, the ones that sleep in my bed at night and crawl all over my face and will probably have kittens together because he hasn't gotten them fixed? :) Anyway, here they are. Nothing else to report. My book is still in the printing stage, so I will let you know when it's on sale. Meanwhile, feel free to send any single women my way. :)
Qop! (The Colbert Report, 10/25/05, during Colbert's interview while taking phone calls)
GIRL CALLER: My boyfriend says he's gay, and he moved in with his rich lawyer and stuff, but I think he's wrong because when we hang out, it feels like he really means it.
ROMANCE ADVISOR: Good. You're lucky he told you. Cause there's a lot of guys that are gay, but they'll just go out with you and they won't ever say it, and I would say get out of that relationship.
COLBERT: Right, right, right. But also, I would say hang on, because if you're woman enough, you can make him not gay.
ADVISOR: That's the wro...
COLBERT (Continuing): Hang in there! You owe it to this guy! Save him!
ADVISOR: That's on the verge of damaging, what you're saying!
COLBERT: Hey, if he wants to stay gay, he'll stay gay. That's his choice.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Gay Trek
So George Takei, a.k.a. Star Trek's Mr. Sulu came out of the closet. I try to be surprised. After all, I read his autobiography and it never even hinted at that side of his lifestyle. Then again, it really didn't talk about any women he was in love with either. Apparently he has been with one partner for eighteen years. Well, I say good for him. I wonder which other Star Trek actors may be gay and just afraid to admit it. I guess time will tell. I'm pretty sure the only two main characters that have passed away are straight (James Doohan and DeForrest Kelley), but that leaves many others. Patrick Stewart has been rumored for years, despite a marriage that broke up. Speaking of Stewart and Star Trek, Michael and I were talking about one of our favorite shows, Boston Legal. That law firm in that show is Crane, Pool, and Schmidt, and only Denny Crane (William Shatner) and Shirley Schmidt (Candence Bergen) have appeared. What about Pool? We decided that Patrick Stewart should play Pool, especially if the character was outageous, possibly flamboyantly gay. I mean Bergen and Shatner play their parts pretty out there, so Pool would have to be as well. How much fun would that be if Stewart did that? Anyway, I am very sad Betty White left Boston Legal already this season. I hope her replacement is just as good, but they will be hard shoes to fill.
Ok, I admit, this was much funnier to watch and hard to convey in my blog, plus I have to tell a story rather than just write the quote, but it was hilarious! On the Colbert Report (both T's silent) Monday night, Colbert unleashed a new skit where he plays God and decides whether to LEAVE THEM DEAD or BRING THEM BACK where Colbert made a case for whether to clone a dead guy or not and the audience answered en masse. When he suggested the leader of the Spanish Inquistion so he could work the Tom Delay trial, they all yelled BRING HIM BACK. Then he suggested Darwin, and he would make Darwin admit evolution was wrong and God was real, probably using the Spanish guy to do so. Again the crowd yelled BRING HIM BACK. His last selection was Dave Thomas, Wendy's Founder because his double cheeseburgers were so good. The crowd yelled LEAVE HIM DEAD. Colbert reminded them that he was the person that invented the delicious Frosty dessert. The crowd then, in unison, yelled "Mmmm. Ok, BRING HIM BACK" Ok, again, it was funnier to watch in person
Ok, I admit, this was much funnier to watch and hard to convey in my blog, plus I have to tell a story rather than just write the quote, but it was hilarious! On the Colbert Report (both T's silent) Monday night, Colbert unleashed a new skit where he plays God and decides whether to LEAVE THEM DEAD or BRING THEM BACK where Colbert made a case for whether to clone a dead guy or not and the audience answered en masse. When he suggested the leader of the Spanish Inquistion so he could work the Tom Delay trial, they all yelled BRING HIM BACK. Then he suggested Darwin, and he would make Darwin admit evolution was wrong and God was real, probably using the Spanish guy to do so. Again the crowd yelled BRING HIM BACK. His last selection was Dave Thomas, Wendy's Founder because his double cheeseburgers were so good. The crowd yelled LEAVE HIM DEAD. Colbert reminded them that he was the person that invented the delicious Frosty dessert. The crowd then, in unison, yelled "Mmmm. Ok, BRING HIM BACK" Ok, again, it was funnier to watch in person
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
An Actor's Nightmare Cover

So here it is, the cover of An Actor's Nightmare, the first book. It's simple, it's plain, but I like it and it's an actual book published by me. That is all I had to write today in my post. I just wanted to share the image with you all now that I have it. I hope you like. Feel free to comment. More updates as they come!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Hello Again
Sorry I have not update you guys in a couple of weeks. I was doing so well too! I have been working lotsof third shifts at Steak N Shake and then collapsing and then just not thinking about putting in an entry. Let me give you a brief overview of the last couple of weeks.
Yes I was Pauly Shore's waiter. I don't feel like repeating the story again to post it because it really wasn't that interesting. Too bad it wasn't a big celebrity. :) He tipped decent though and was nice enough so I'll just leave it at that.
Yes I am still single. It sucks, but I'm living with it. I know it'll happen eventually, or at least I try to believe that, so that's all I need to write there.
Yesterday many of you got drunken text messages from me. That's because I was up until 10am drinking vodka straight and watching Cameron Crow movies (Almost Famous and Jerry Maguire) and also trying to put together a puzzle at the same time. It took me four hours for about 300 pieces, but I did it and I don't remember much of the movies. Yay for occasional times like that!
Last night after work I reviewed my proof of An Actor's Nightmare. It was great, I signed off on it, and it is now going through the printing process and so will be on sale very soon. It looks good, it's about 467 pages of text, and I am uberexcited about it. I hope you will be too. News will be posted on here as it becomes available. Hope you all have a great day!
"The difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that homosexual is uncurable. With pedophilia, you just move him to another congregation." ~ Rob Cordry on his first This Week in God on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Yes I was Pauly Shore's waiter. I don't feel like repeating the story again to post it because it really wasn't that interesting. Too bad it wasn't a big celebrity. :) He tipped decent though and was nice enough so I'll just leave it at that.
Yes I am still single. It sucks, but I'm living with it. I know it'll happen eventually, or at least I try to believe that, so that's all I need to write there.
Yesterday many of you got drunken text messages from me. That's because I was up until 10am drinking vodka straight and watching Cameron Crow movies (Almost Famous and Jerry Maguire) and also trying to put together a puzzle at the same time. It took me four hours for about 300 pieces, but I did it and I don't remember much of the movies. Yay for occasional times like that!
Last night after work I reviewed my proof of An Actor's Nightmare. It was great, I signed off on it, and it is now going through the printing process and so will be on sale very soon. It looks good, it's about 467 pages of text, and I am uberexcited about it. I hope you will be too. News will be posted on here as it becomes available. Hope you all have a great day!
"The difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that homosexual is uncurable. With pedophilia, you just move him to another congregation." ~ Rob Cordry on his first This Week in God on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Up Late
These Steak N Shake hours have me so screwed up. I am up until 4am or later every night and it seems normal. Then I sleep until noon. When I started subbing I'm going to have to change my hours. Now it's like 4:20 and I'm wide awake. Of course, I've only been home for 15 minutes. I think a shower and bed might be nice, although I really want to work on my book. The second one. I have been doing a lot of work on it. For those of you who buy my first one and enjoy it, don't worry. The second one will be ready by this time next year, although probably sooner, but I may not try to publish it until I get the first one out for awhile. But the first one ends on a real cliffhanger, so... Ah, well. Anyway, after several days and zero votes, here are my winners:
Best Guest Star: Rupert, even though I do love Christine more.
Cancelled First: Freddie, although Night Stalker will be close behind.
Old Series Cancelled: Joey, and I'll cry. Majorly.
Best New: Ghost Whisperer. Seriously.
Worst: Invasion, although I am tempted to put Chris because it's getting a lot more credit than it deserves. Definitely overhyped. It's good, but not that good.
Best New Actor: Neil Patrick Harris, but Brent and Rob are close behind.
Best New Actress: Stockard, although it was very tough to pick this one.
Best Theme: Reunion
Best Animated / Variety: Daily Show
Show Deserved Mention: Kitchen Confidential, of course!
"Two gay parents! That's every kid's dream!" ~ Jack on Will & Grace, upon finding out that Elliot's mom, played by Rosie, is a lesbo
Best Guest Star: Rupert, even though I do love Christine more.
Cancelled First: Freddie, although Night Stalker will be close behind.
Old Series Cancelled: Joey, and I'll cry. Majorly.
Best New: Ghost Whisperer. Seriously.
Worst: Invasion, although I am tempted to put Chris because it's getting a lot more credit than it deserves. Definitely overhyped. It's good, but not that good.
Best New Actor: Neil Patrick Harris, but Brent and Rob are close behind.
Best New Actress: Stockard, although it was very tough to pick this one.
Best Theme: Reunion
Best Animated / Variety: Daily Show
Show Deserved Mention: Kitchen Confidential, of course!
"Two gay parents! That's every kid's dream!" ~ Jack on Will & Grace, upon finding out that Elliot's mom, played by Rosie, is a lesbo
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Season Opener Awards
These awards are for just the first few weeks of the season. Pleas let me know your pics, through e-mail (vote@actorsnightmare.com) perferably, and then I'll choose winners, mostly by what you go by if you vote, and post them in a few days.
Cha Chi on Arrested Development
Rupert Evert on Boston Legal
Janeine Garafolo on The West Wing
Christine Baranski on Ghost Whisperer
The Apprentice: Martha Stewart
Invasion (which I already gave up on)
Out of Practice
Command in Chief
Night Stalker
How I Met Your Mother
Will & Grace
Two And A Half Men
My Name Is Earl
Everybody Hates Chris
Ghost Whisperer
Prison Break
Everybody Hates Chris
Out of Practice
BEST ACTOR (New Cast Members Only)
Alan Alda The West Wing
David Borenanaz Bones
Brent Spiner Threshold
Rob Benedict Threshold
Neil Patrick Harris How I Met Your Mother
BEST ACTRESS (New Cast Members Only)
Emily Deschanel Bones
Charismas Carpenter Veronica Mars
Alfre Woodard Desperate Housewives
Michelle Rodriguez Lost
Stockard Channing Out of Practice
Prison Break
Ghost Whisperer
Commander in Chief
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Family Guy
American Dad
Is there really another nominee?
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Kitchen Confidential
King of Queens
Hot Properties
"Dear Buddha, I would like a pony and a plastic rocket." ~ Captain Mal, Serenity, Again, Go See!
Cha Chi on Arrested Development
Rupert Evert on Boston Legal
Janeine Garafolo on The West Wing
Christine Baranski on Ghost Whisperer
The Apprentice: Martha Stewart
Invasion (which I already gave up on)
Out of Practice
Command in Chief
Night Stalker
How I Met Your Mother
Will & Grace
Two And A Half Men
My Name Is Earl
Everybody Hates Chris
Ghost Whisperer
Prison Break
Everybody Hates Chris
Out of Practice
BEST ACTOR (New Cast Members Only)
Alan Alda The West Wing
David Borenanaz Bones
Brent Spiner Threshold
Rob Benedict Threshold
Neil Patrick Harris How I Met Your Mother
BEST ACTRESS (New Cast Members Only)
Emily Deschanel Bones
Charismas Carpenter Veronica Mars
Alfre Woodard Desperate Housewives
Michelle Rodriguez Lost
Stockard Channing Out of Practice
Prison Break
Ghost Whisperer
Commander in Chief
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Family Guy
American Dad
Is there really another nominee?
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Kitchen Confidential
King of Queens
Hot Properties
"Dear Buddha, I would like a pony and a plastic rocket." ~ Captain Mal, Serenity, Again, Go See!
Premiere Season Part Two of Two
I have to take a quick break and talk about The West Wing (Sunday, 8pm, NBC) before anything else. I miss Joshua Malina, I miss Stockard Channing, and I especially miss Janel Maloney as Donna, who has to come back before the end! This season will kind of be like a series finale for the cast we know and love, as evidenced by the great opening. I think they've already given away the new president, but I'll live. What's really cool and exciting is that November 6th's epsiode will be LIVE!!! Not only that, it will only feature two cast members: Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits. Why, you may ask? They are actually going to do a full out debate in character! It will be great fun. Don't miss it. No word on who the moderator will be yet, but we should only see the 3 of them.
And now the long awaited finale of my premiere season 2005 (minus 24 and The Cobert Report, which won't premiere for awhile)... DISCLAIMER: I did not yet watch tonight's shows so all shows are current through yesterday. From here on out through the rest of the season I will only mention spectacular things about shows.
Commander in Chief (Tuesday, 9pm, ABC)~ Gena Davis stars in this great concept of a woman thrust into presidentcy when the president dies, although it has a weak script. She looks a bit too plastic, still it is enjoyable, and has some great moment. I think I'll give it a fair chance this year. Donald Sutherland also stars as next in line after Davis, and wanting the job.
Boston Legal (Tuesday, 10pm, ABC)~ The opening two parter was enough to satisfy anyone missing the amazing series. Heather Locklear added some fun, the new interns were great (well, the guy was), and Rupert Everett completed the fantastic shows. He even translater 'cello' in court and brought a band to perform for another judge. He will be stealing Rhona Mitra away, who has dropped from the ending credits. And ending with Betty White killing the short guy (a.k.a. Beverly Leslie from Will & Grace) was a nice touch.
Close to Home (Tuesday, 10pm, CBS) ~ I like it. Nice, warm, friendly, and still mysterious. The main character, formerly star of Committed, was great, and I enjoy Christian Kane (Lindsay from Angel) as her husband. Not break out hit, but good.
Night Stalker (Thursday, 9pm, ABC) ~ Bad special affects, bad writing. Stuart Townsend and Gabrielle Union will keep me coming back until it sucks even worse, but it's not great.
Veronice Mars (Wednesday, 9pm, UPN) ~ Great strong start with more murder! Veronica should have died, but I'm glad she didn't! Kevin Smith's guest apperance as a clerk in Week Two was fun, and I look forward to Joss Whedon's car dealership in Week Six. Steve Guttenberg is fun, and Charisma Carpenter is out and out sexy. "Can Beaver and Dick come out and play?" Can't wait for Alyson Hannigan and Charisma to do a scene together.
Alias (Thursday, 8pm, ABC) ~ Strong start. I will miss Michael Vartan, but his death was very emotional. Lisa swears he's not dead, but I don't believe her. I think she's grasping straws. We'll see. I'll also miss Nadia and Weiss, but I look forward to Amy Acker's new role. Now they need Lena Olin and Amanda Foreman back and the show may survive. Here's hoping it doesn't jump the shark.
Will & Grace (Thursday, 8:30, NBC) ~ We all knew the live opening would result in goofs, but it was still cool. I look forward to Harry Connick's return. This final season will probably be all right, although don't look for the best episodes of the series.
Ghost Whisperer (Friday, 8pm, CBS) ~ The surprise breakout hit of the season! It's great! I love it! Only watched it for the eye candy of Jennifer Love Hewitt, but oh so glad I did. I highly recomment to everyone. Every episode will make you cry!
Desperate Housewives (Sunday, 8pm, ABC) ~ In the words of Michael my roommate, we returned to an old friend. Still edgy, still fabulous, still amazing. Bree is definitely shining for me this season, and so if Alfre. Go DW!
Grey's Anatomy (Sunday, 9pm, ABC) ~ Entering it's sophomore year, I can finally enjoy this show. The first season was rough and hard to get into, but it's finding it's groove. I like.
Saturday Night Live (Saturday, 11:30pm, NBC) ~ Steve Carrel hosted, and was not breakout amazing. The best bit was the animation of the plane crashing and everyone running, although second place goes to the impression off between the new guys, and third goes to Mike Myer's appearance. I miss Tina Fey. Horatio was funny despite his best efforts to screw up his lines. We need Tina back! She's had the baby like almost two weeks ago! Get back to work! Sadly, Maya will be joining her soon.
America's Next Top Model ~ Nothing to report. Not great. Not good. I'll watch it cause others are and I'm in the room. Plus reality television, despite sucking, is addicting.
Apprentice: Martha Stewart ~ I didn't watch last night because they moved it to compete with Lost (and Veronica Mars), which is it's death wish. The show is pretty much canelled, which is too bad because for once reality tv was good.
"Been more'n a year since I had anything twixt my nethers didn't run on batteries!" ~ Kaylee, Serenity, Awesome Movie! GO SEE!
I have to take a quick break and talk about The West Wing (Sunday, 8pm, NBC) before anything else. I miss Joshua Malina, I miss Stockard Channing, and I especially miss Janel Maloney as Donna, who has to come back before the end! This season will kind of be like a series finale for the cast we know and love, as evidenced by the great opening. I think they've already given away the new president, but I'll live. What's really cool and exciting is that November 6th's epsiode will be LIVE!!! Not only that, it will only feature two cast members: Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits. Why, you may ask? They are actually going to do a full out debate in character! It will be great fun. Don't miss it. No word on who the moderator will be yet, but we should only see the 3 of them.
And now the long awaited finale of my premiere season 2005 (minus 24 and The Cobert Report, which won't premiere for awhile)... DISCLAIMER: I did not yet watch tonight's shows so all shows are current through yesterday. From here on out through the rest of the season I will only mention spectacular things about shows.
Commander in Chief (Tuesday, 9pm, ABC)~ Gena Davis stars in this great concept of a woman thrust into presidentcy when the president dies, although it has a weak script. She looks a bit too plastic, still it is enjoyable, and has some great moment. I think I'll give it a fair chance this year. Donald Sutherland also stars as next in line after Davis, and wanting the job.
Boston Legal (Tuesday, 10pm, ABC)~ The opening two parter was enough to satisfy anyone missing the amazing series. Heather Locklear added some fun, the new interns were great (well, the guy was), and Rupert Everett completed the fantastic shows. He even translater 'cello' in court and brought a band to perform for another judge. He will be stealing Rhona Mitra away, who has dropped from the ending credits. And ending with Betty White killing the short guy (a.k.a. Beverly Leslie from Will & Grace) was a nice touch.
Close to Home (Tuesday, 10pm, CBS) ~ I like it. Nice, warm, friendly, and still mysterious. The main character, formerly star of Committed, was great, and I enjoy Christian Kane (Lindsay from Angel) as her husband. Not break out hit, but good.
Night Stalker (Thursday, 9pm, ABC) ~ Bad special affects, bad writing. Stuart Townsend and Gabrielle Union will keep me coming back until it sucks even worse, but it's not great.
Veronice Mars (Wednesday, 9pm, UPN) ~ Great strong start with more murder! Veronica should have died, but I'm glad she didn't! Kevin Smith's guest apperance as a clerk in Week Two was fun, and I look forward to Joss Whedon's car dealership in Week Six. Steve Guttenberg is fun, and Charisma Carpenter is out and out sexy. "Can Beaver and Dick come out and play?" Can't wait for Alyson Hannigan and Charisma to do a scene together.
Alias (Thursday, 8pm, ABC) ~ Strong start. I will miss Michael Vartan, but his death was very emotional. Lisa swears he's not dead, but I don't believe her. I think she's grasping straws. We'll see. I'll also miss Nadia and Weiss, but I look forward to Amy Acker's new role. Now they need Lena Olin and Amanda Foreman back and the show may survive. Here's hoping it doesn't jump the shark.
Will & Grace (Thursday, 8:30, NBC) ~ We all knew the live opening would result in goofs, but it was still cool. I look forward to Harry Connick's return. This final season will probably be all right, although don't look for the best episodes of the series.
Ghost Whisperer (Friday, 8pm, CBS) ~ The surprise breakout hit of the season! It's great! I love it! Only watched it for the eye candy of Jennifer Love Hewitt, but oh so glad I did. I highly recomment to everyone. Every episode will make you cry!
Desperate Housewives (Sunday, 8pm, ABC) ~ In the words of Michael my roommate, we returned to an old friend. Still edgy, still fabulous, still amazing. Bree is definitely shining for me this season, and so if Alfre. Go DW!
Grey's Anatomy (Sunday, 9pm, ABC) ~ Entering it's sophomore year, I can finally enjoy this show. The first season was rough and hard to get into, but it's finding it's groove. I like.
Saturday Night Live (Saturday, 11:30pm, NBC) ~ Steve Carrel hosted, and was not breakout amazing. The best bit was the animation of the plane crashing and everyone running, although second place goes to the impression off between the new guys, and third goes to Mike Myer's appearance. I miss Tina Fey. Horatio was funny despite his best efforts to screw up his lines. We need Tina back! She's had the baby like almost two weeks ago! Get back to work! Sadly, Maya will be joining her soon.
America's Next Top Model ~ Nothing to report. Not great. Not good. I'll watch it cause others are and I'm in the room. Plus reality television, despite sucking, is addicting.
Apprentice: Martha Stewart ~ I didn't watch last night because they moved it to compete with Lost (and Veronica Mars), which is it's death wish. The show is pretty much canelled, which is too bad because for once reality tv was good.
"Been more'n a year since I had anything twixt my nethers didn't run on batteries!" ~ Kaylee, Serenity, Awesome Movie! GO SEE!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Dark Ages
Our power was shut off at noon yesterday. It is now 10:30 and the power is finally back on. The Dark Ages are over! The problem happened because I was told, a month ago when I went to sign up for our AEP service, that I was under a special and didn't have to pay the $83 deposit. So I didn't. Then yesterday, with no warning, no notice, no nothing, they shut it off. For the first couple of hours I assumed a normal outage, then I finally called to check on it by mid afternoon. I was told it was shut off because we didn't pay the deposit. After explaining the situation, the company was completely unsympathetic. The operators, most of them anyway, were very nice, but they said they couldn't do anything about it. I promptly paid the deposit over the phone. I was told it would be 1-3 days before power was restored. Of course I was freaking out, worried about food in the fridge and everything. Several phone calls later, I was finally assured it would be turned back on last night, no later than 10pm when the trucks shut down, but probably much earlier. By 9 I was on the phone again, to no avail. No one could tell me anything, truck schedule, how to get in touch with trucks, or when my power would be restored. After 10 I was back on the phone with them and told it just wasn't going to happen tonight. I was very upset, but didn't cuss out the operator or anything. She was nice. Even offered and did a wake up call this morning on the cell so Michael could get to work on time. A frantic call to the building manager got us allowance to run an extension cord into the hallway for just the fridge, with the understanding that it had to be unplugged by noon today. By 10am I was getting very worried, but just now I checked and the power was restored. Oh, happy day. Now all that remains is a Better Business Bureau complaint and catching up on the shows Jonathan and Lisa kindly took care of for us. Thanks guys! This whole situation sucked, but on the bright side (no pun intended), I did get a lot of reading done. First with natural sunlight, and then by candlelight last night. Still, I missed my internet. :)
Qop! (from last week's season premiere of Arrested Development)
MICHAEL: You're especially mean this morning, Mom. Are you sober?
LUCILLE: Michael, it's nine am!
MICHAEL: So that's not it...
Qop! (from last week's season premiere of Arrested Development)
MICHAEL: You're especially mean this morning, Mom. Are you sober?
LUCILLE: Michael, it's nine am!
MICHAEL: So that's not it...
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Premiere Season Part One of Two
Sorry it has been awhile since my last post. I wanted to watch as many premieres as I could before I did more reviews, and I didn't have much else to talk about. Here is Part One of Two on my big premiere review! I did a few reviews before this, but this is a much bigger one, and will be followed next week when the rest of the shows (except The Colbert Report, which doesn't premiere until October 17th) have premiered.
Arrested Development (Monday, Fox, 8pm) ~ I had never seen the show until the Season Three premiere, but wow is it amazing! This episode dealt with George Sr. having escaped and been replaced by his brother Oscar in jail. Michael blows off promises to George Michael and Job to go find his father, but George Michael ends up in Reno anyway, and the two of them are soon kidnapped by Geroge Sr. Meanwhile, Lindsey sets off to win Tobias back, not knowing that Kitty dumped Tobias and Tobias is now a waiter instead of a member of Blue Man Group (George Sr got the Blue Man part). When Lindsey arrives, she finds Tobias making out with their lawyer, played by Henry Winkler, who is in full Blue Man makeup. So are those two closeted homos going to get together? Who knows? Now George Michael is waiting to make out again with his cousin Maybe, who is making out with her crush, Steve Holt, who is actually her uncle Job's son, and so is her cousin too. I went and watched Season One this week as well and was highly impressed. Amazing show! Score: 5/5
How I Met Your Mother (Monday, CBS, 8:30pm) ~ Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris shine in this comedy, but are only minor players. The lead is a bit flat. It has potential to be a cute sitcom, but it needs to beef itseld up some more. We'll wait and see. Score: 3/5
Kitchen Confidential (Monday, Fox, 8:30pm) ~ Bradley Cooper competly leads this talented cast as a druggie ex-chef who gets a second chance and rounds up his old gang for his kitchen. Nicholas Brenden was great, and possibly gay? We're not sure. The scarf looked like it, but he was a pastry chef. The other supporting actors were ok. Score: 4/5
Prison Break (Monday, Fox, 9pm) ~ After 5 hours, this show continues to be riveting and good. The parts outside of the prison are a little bit of a drag, but I find myself wondering how it's all going to go down. It is brilliantly planned out and intriuging. The first five hours covered two weeks, and there are three weeks left before his brother is executed, so I predict time will begin slowing down, but we'll expect a breakout by February sweeps. At least, that's my hope. But what would Season two be about? Score: 4/5
Out of Practice (Monday, CBS, 9:30pm) ~ This new show was a surprise delight. Admittedly, Christopher Gorman, the main character and only "not real" doctor of the family could use some acting lessons, but Stockard Channing and Henry Winkler really shine as his recently divorced parents. My only regret is this will mean less of Channing on The West Wing and Winkler on Arrested Development this year. I predict Channing will be dropped from WW's opening credits. Score: 3/5
Medium (Monday, NBC, 10pm) ~ Patricia Arquette deserved her emmy, and this season opened with a bang. Months after Captain Push attempted to kill himself so that he could find out who a killer was and relay it to Allison, he lies in a coma. Allison and her husband Joe have seemingly fixed their marital problems, but they've only been pushed to the back as Allison hasn't been having dreams, and so not working. When Push's father begins to appear to Allison and tell her she needs to listen to his son, she of course figures everything out. But will her marriage survive another season of her job? I look forward to great things this season. Score: 4/5
Bones (Tuesday, Fox, 8pm) ~ Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz have some of the best chemistry on television. Couple that with a delightful supporting cast, and this show has some great potential. Of course, Boreanaz is 'seeking redemption for past wrongs', but I promise it's not a repeat of Angel! I hope the writing gets better, but I see good things in it's future. Score: 3/5 (Actors: 5/5)
My Name is Earl (Tuesday, NBC, 9pm) ~ I love Jason Lee, and this show is great for that actor. He is trying to make up for bad stuff after he heard about karma from Carson Daly. It was good, but unfortunately the premiere will be my only viewing, as Commander in Chief and The Amazing Race have our DVR tied up. I like Lee, so watch it, and if CiC fails, I'll be back. Score: 2.5/5
Lost (Wednesday, ABC, 9pm) ~ Returning for it's sophomore year, Lost blew me out of the water! It actually answered some of it's secrets this week! The hatch was very well done. The show focused on Jack, but gave interesting things to Kate, Locke, and Hurley. Other than that, Shannon, Siyad, and Walt each appeared, and the other main characters were no where to be seen, other than a few other brief glimpses. What about the fate of those on the raft? They are still in the cast list, although we expect another character death soon. And I can't wait to see Michelle Rodriguez and the other survivors from the back half of the plane. It promises to be exiciting. Score: 4.5/5
Invasion (Wednesday, ABC, 10pm) ~ This show gets maybe one more chance. It was pretty lame and I have too much to watch as it is. It was a stupid plot, aliens invading Florida by taking over people, and not as creepy as it should have been. Do you think perhaps that's what happened to Jeb and George? Just asking. :) Flat characters and weak story made this hard to sit through. Score: 1/5.
Joey (Thursday, NBC, 8pm) ~ I don't care what people say, I like Joey. I don't like they felt the need to revamp the cast for this season. I'm not a big fan of Joey's new friend and co-star, although I'm glad Joey finally landed a big movie role. I do enjoy his sister's new job and Jennifer Coolidge finally appearing in every episode. They should dump Miguel and make Coolidge's other assistant a main. He is the new Gunther. This season will be better, and hopefully Alex and Joey will stay together and finally give him a real relationship. Plus, we need some Friends to make apperances! Score: 3.5/5
Everybody Hates Chris (Thursday, UPN, 8pm) ~ Another show I can only give one week because Alias and Joey are non negotiable (kiss it Michael :)), but it was pretty good. Maybe a bit overhyped. I've always liked Chris Rock, but I've never loved him. The show is just comedy. And where else are you going to hear nigger and other racial slurs at 8pm on broadcast tv? It was a little bit not my style of humor, but still enjoyable. Score: 3/5.
Reunion (Thursday, Fox, 9pm) ~ I love this show. It is crappy tv, like Dawson's Creek, but that's why I like it. The actors are great, especially Chyler Leigh from The Practice. I can't wait to see who is dead and who killed them. It keeps me coming back for more, and I really get into it. This one year per season thing doesn't work real well though as the episodes cover a few days, maybe weeks, and then it's a year later. That bugs me. But I'll get over it. Score: 3/5
Threshold (Friday, CBS, 9pm) ~ Brannon Braga's first big non-Star Trek tv show. He brings the dark side he took to First Contact, Voyager, and Enterprise, and makes it scarier. Very good plot, very good story. Brent Spiner (The Next Generation) and Robert Patrick Benedict (Felicity) are definitely my favorite actors on the team of geeky scientists, especially with Spiner's biting wit that sets his character apart from Data. But Carla Gugino as the star works for me too. The only I don't like in the cast is Peter Dinklage, but that may be because his character is just such an ass. I have high hopes for this show. Score: 4/5.
Family Guy and American Dad (Sunday, Fox, 8 and 8:30pm) ~ Still good. Nothing else to report over last time. Just watch them. Score: 4/5
Coming Next Time: Commander in Chief, Boston Legal, Close to Home, Night Stalker, Veronice Mars, Alias, Will & Grace, Ghost Whisperer, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, The West Wing, Saturday Night Live, The Amazing Race?, America's Next Top Model?, Apprentice: Martha Stewart?
"If I were a carpenter, and you were my lady, I'd nail you." ~ www.ruminate.com
Arrested Development (Monday, Fox, 8pm) ~ I had never seen the show until the Season Three premiere, but wow is it amazing! This episode dealt with George Sr. having escaped and been replaced by his brother Oscar in jail. Michael blows off promises to George Michael and Job to go find his father, but George Michael ends up in Reno anyway, and the two of them are soon kidnapped by Geroge Sr. Meanwhile, Lindsey sets off to win Tobias back, not knowing that Kitty dumped Tobias and Tobias is now a waiter instead of a member of Blue Man Group (George Sr got the Blue Man part). When Lindsey arrives, she finds Tobias making out with their lawyer, played by Henry Winkler, who is in full Blue Man makeup. So are those two closeted homos going to get together? Who knows? Now George Michael is waiting to make out again with his cousin Maybe, who is making out with her crush, Steve Holt, who is actually her uncle Job's son, and so is her cousin too. I went and watched Season One this week as well and was highly impressed. Amazing show! Score: 5/5
How I Met Your Mother (Monday, CBS, 8:30pm) ~ Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris shine in this comedy, but are only minor players. The lead is a bit flat. It has potential to be a cute sitcom, but it needs to beef itseld up some more. We'll wait and see. Score: 3/5
Kitchen Confidential (Monday, Fox, 8:30pm) ~ Bradley Cooper competly leads this talented cast as a druggie ex-chef who gets a second chance and rounds up his old gang for his kitchen. Nicholas Brenden was great, and possibly gay? We're not sure. The scarf looked like it, but he was a pastry chef. The other supporting actors were ok. Score: 4/5
Prison Break (Monday, Fox, 9pm) ~ After 5 hours, this show continues to be riveting and good. The parts outside of the prison are a little bit of a drag, but I find myself wondering how it's all going to go down. It is brilliantly planned out and intriuging. The first five hours covered two weeks, and there are three weeks left before his brother is executed, so I predict time will begin slowing down, but we'll expect a breakout by February sweeps. At least, that's my hope. But what would Season two be about? Score: 4/5
Out of Practice (Monday, CBS, 9:30pm) ~ This new show was a surprise delight. Admittedly, Christopher Gorman, the main character and only "not real" doctor of the family could use some acting lessons, but Stockard Channing and Henry Winkler really shine as his recently divorced parents. My only regret is this will mean less of Channing on The West Wing and Winkler on Arrested Development this year. I predict Channing will be dropped from WW's opening credits. Score: 3/5
Medium (Monday, NBC, 10pm) ~ Patricia Arquette deserved her emmy, and this season opened with a bang. Months after Captain Push attempted to kill himself so that he could find out who a killer was and relay it to Allison, he lies in a coma. Allison and her husband Joe have seemingly fixed their marital problems, but they've only been pushed to the back as Allison hasn't been having dreams, and so not working. When Push's father begins to appear to Allison and tell her she needs to listen to his son, she of course figures everything out. But will her marriage survive another season of her job? I look forward to great things this season. Score: 4/5
Bones (Tuesday, Fox, 8pm) ~ Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz have some of the best chemistry on television. Couple that with a delightful supporting cast, and this show has some great potential. Of course, Boreanaz is 'seeking redemption for past wrongs', but I promise it's not a repeat of Angel! I hope the writing gets better, but I see good things in it's future. Score: 3/5 (Actors: 5/5)
My Name is Earl (Tuesday, NBC, 9pm) ~ I love Jason Lee, and this show is great for that actor. He is trying to make up for bad stuff after he heard about karma from Carson Daly. It was good, but unfortunately the premiere will be my only viewing, as Commander in Chief and The Amazing Race have our DVR tied up. I like Lee, so watch it, and if CiC fails, I'll be back. Score: 2.5/5
Lost (Wednesday, ABC, 9pm) ~ Returning for it's sophomore year, Lost blew me out of the water! It actually answered some of it's secrets this week! The hatch was very well done. The show focused on Jack, but gave interesting things to Kate, Locke, and Hurley. Other than that, Shannon, Siyad, and Walt each appeared, and the other main characters were no where to be seen, other than a few other brief glimpses. What about the fate of those on the raft? They are still in the cast list, although we expect another character death soon. And I can't wait to see Michelle Rodriguez and the other survivors from the back half of the plane. It promises to be exiciting. Score: 4.5/5
Invasion (Wednesday, ABC, 10pm) ~ This show gets maybe one more chance. It was pretty lame and I have too much to watch as it is. It was a stupid plot, aliens invading Florida by taking over people, and not as creepy as it should have been. Do you think perhaps that's what happened to Jeb and George? Just asking. :) Flat characters and weak story made this hard to sit through. Score: 1/5.
Joey (Thursday, NBC, 8pm) ~ I don't care what people say, I like Joey. I don't like they felt the need to revamp the cast for this season. I'm not a big fan of Joey's new friend and co-star, although I'm glad Joey finally landed a big movie role. I do enjoy his sister's new job and Jennifer Coolidge finally appearing in every episode. They should dump Miguel and make Coolidge's other assistant a main. He is the new Gunther. This season will be better, and hopefully Alex and Joey will stay together and finally give him a real relationship. Plus, we need some Friends to make apperances! Score: 3.5/5
Everybody Hates Chris (Thursday, UPN, 8pm) ~ Another show I can only give one week because Alias and Joey are non negotiable (kiss it Michael :)), but it was pretty good. Maybe a bit overhyped. I've always liked Chris Rock, but I've never loved him. The show is just comedy. And where else are you going to hear nigger and other racial slurs at 8pm on broadcast tv? It was a little bit not my style of humor, but still enjoyable. Score: 3/5.
Reunion (Thursday, Fox, 9pm) ~ I love this show. It is crappy tv, like Dawson's Creek, but that's why I like it. The actors are great, especially Chyler Leigh from The Practice. I can't wait to see who is dead and who killed them. It keeps me coming back for more, and I really get into it. This one year per season thing doesn't work real well though as the episodes cover a few days, maybe weeks, and then it's a year later. That bugs me. But I'll get over it. Score: 3/5
Threshold (Friday, CBS, 9pm) ~ Brannon Braga's first big non-Star Trek tv show. He brings the dark side he took to First Contact, Voyager, and Enterprise, and makes it scarier. Very good plot, very good story. Brent Spiner (The Next Generation) and Robert Patrick Benedict (Felicity) are definitely my favorite actors on the team of geeky scientists, especially with Spiner's biting wit that sets his character apart from Data. But Carla Gugino as the star works for me too. The only I don't like in the cast is Peter Dinklage, but that may be because his character is just such an ass. I have high hopes for this show. Score: 4/5.
Family Guy and American Dad (Sunday, Fox, 8 and 8:30pm) ~ Still good. Nothing else to report over last time. Just watch them. Score: 4/5
Coming Next Time: Commander in Chief, Boston Legal, Close to Home, Night Stalker, Veronice Mars, Alias, Will & Grace, Ghost Whisperer, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, The West Wing, Saturday Night Live, The Amazing Race?, America's Next Top Model?, Apprentice: Martha Stewart?
"If I were a carpenter, and you were my lady, I'd nail you." ~ www.ruminate.com
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The West Wing
I have always liked The West Wing, but tonight, I present the Top Ten Reasons Why It Is One of The Best Shows On TV:
10. Mandy didn't stick around, but Joshua Malina did.
9. The rest of the cast totally kicks ass.
8. Kristen Chenoweth stepping in to help Toby.
7. The race between Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits.
6. Stockard Channing is a crazy woman,
5. Great dialogue. Fast and smart. Doesn't care what people think, but what is right.
4. The secretaries. From Mrs. Landingham to Lily Tomlin, and Margaret.
3. C.J. Craig, Donna Moss, Leo McGary and Josh Lyman. Enough said.
2. Best theme song ever!
1. President Bartlet wouldn't read "My Pet Goat" or vacation in Texas. He'd get off his ass and do something!!!
Qop! (The West Wing, Rob Lowe & Richard Schiff)
SAM: About a week ago I accidently slept with a prostitute.
TOBY: Really?
SAM: Yes.
TOBY: Accidently?
SAM: Yes.
TOBY: I don't understand. Did you trip on something?
BONUS QOPs! (more West Wing greats)
CJ (Allison Janey): Set fire to the room. Do it now.
JOSH (Bradley Whitford): Toby, come quick. Sam's getting his ass kicked by a girl.
TOBY: Ginger, get the popcorn!
BARTLET (Martin Sheen): Good. I like your show. I like how you call homosexuality an abomination.
DR. JACOBS: I don't say homosexuality is an abomination, Mr. President. The Bible does.
BARTLET: Yes it does. Leviticus.
JACOBS: 18:22.
BARTLET: Chapter and verse. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions while I have you here. I'm interested in selling my youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. She's a Georgetown sophomore, speaks fluent Italian, always cleared the table when it was her turn. What would a good price for her be? While thinking about that, can I ask another? My Chief of Staff Leo McGarry insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself or is it okay to call the police? Here's one that's really important because we've got a lot of sports fans in this town: touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean. Leviticus 11:7. If they promise to wear gloves, can the Washington Redskins still play football? Can Notre Dame? Can West Point? Does the whole town really have to be together to stone my brother John for planting different crops side by side? Can I burn my mother in a small family gathering for wearing garments made from two different threads? Think about those questions, would you? One last thing: while you may be mistaking this for your monthly meeting of the Ignorant Tight-Ass Club, in this building, when the President stands, nobody sits.
BARTLET: My daughter asked you out?
CHARLIE (Dule Hill): Yes.
BARTLET: I should have locked her in the dungeon.
CHARLIE: I don't think you have one, sir.
BARTLET: Could've had one built.
ABBIE (Stockard Channing): I haven't come in here because it seems that every time I do there's a new White House Counsel. I think Leo keeps them in the basement like those two ladies in Arsenic and Old Lace.
TOBY: You think the United States is under attack from 1200 Cubans in rowboats?
SAM: I'm not saying I don't like our chances.
TOBY: It's mind-boggling to me we ever won an election
10. Mandy didn't stick around, but Joshua Malina did.
9. The rest of the cast totally kicks ass.
8. Kristen Chenoweth stepping in to help Toby.
7. The race between Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits.
6. Stockard Channing is a crazy woman,
5. Great dialogue. Fast and smart. Doesn't care what people think, but what is right.
4. The secretaries. From Mrs. Landingham to Lily Tomlin, and Margaret.
3. C.J. Craig, Donna Moss, Leo McGary and Josh Lyman. Enough said.
2. Best theme song ever!
1. President Bartlet wouldn't read "My Pet Goat" or vacation in Texas. He'd get off his ass and do something!!!
Qop! (The West Wing, Rob Lowe & Richard Schiff)
SAM: About a week ago I accidently slept with a prostitute.
TOBY: Really?
SAM: Yes.
TOBY: Accidently?
SAM: Yes.
TOBY: I don't understand. Did you trip on something?
BONUS QOPs! (more West Wing greats)
CJ (Allison Janey): Set fire to the room. Do it now.
JOSH (Bradley Whitford): Toby, come quick. Sam's getting his ass kicked by a girl.
TOBY: Ginger, get the popcorn!
BARTLET (Martin Sheen): Good. I like your show. I like how you call homosexuality an abomination.
DR. JACOBS: I don't say homosexuality is an abomination, Mr. President. The Bible does.
BARTLET: Yes it does. Leviticus.
JACOBS: 18:22.
BARTLET: Chapter and verse. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions while I have you here. I'm interested in selling my youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. She's a Georgetown sophomore, speaks fluent Italian, always cleared the table when it was her turn. What would a good price for her be? While thinking about that, can I ask another? My Chief of Staff Leo McGarry insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself or is it okay to call the police? Here's one that's really important because we've got a lot of sports fans in this town: touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean. Leviticus 11:7. If they promise to wear gloves, can the Washington Redskins still play football? Can Notre Dame? Can West Point? Does the whole town really have to be together to stone my brother John for planting different crops side by side? Can I burn my mother in a small family gathering for wearing garments made from two different threads? Think about those questions, would you? One last thing: while you may be mistaking this for your monthly meeting of the Ignorant Tight-Ass Club, in this building, when the President stands, nobody sits.
BARTLET: My daughter asked you out?
CHARLIE (Dule Hill): Yes.
BARTLET: I should have locked her in the dungeon.
CHARLIE: I don't think you have one, sir.
BARTLET: Could've had one built.
ABBIE (Stockard Channing): I haven't come in here because it seems that every time I do there's a new White House Counsel. I think Leo keeps them in the basement like those two ladies in Arsenic and Old Lace.
TOBY: You think the United States is under attack from 1200 Cubans in rowboats?
SAM: I'm not saying I don't like our chances.
TOBY: It's mind-boggling to me we ever won an election
Monday, September 12, 2005
Happy Birthday Timmy J!
Tomorrow would have been Timothy Jesser's birthday. I miss him. We had a little party for him on Saturday at T.G.I.Fridays. It was great. Friends, teachers, his family, fun, cake, food, pictures, and memories. I am so glad we did it. I don't know how much else to put on here about it because I've written about it before and I've said what I wanted to say, several times over. I am dedicating my first book to him, had planned on it since I first started writing, so that will be my tribute.
Then a bunch of us went to see The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I had no desire to see it because it looked scary, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was a courtroom thing with flashbacks to the exorcism and while those were a bit startling, it was very well done. And it was based on a true story. This girl named Emily died and the priest who had earlier performed an unsuccessful exorcism on her was charged for negligence for encouraging her to abandon medical treatment. It was very dramatic and cool. I won't tell you how it ends. The priest and his lawyer were great actors, and it had our favorite beige queen from last season's 24.
Continuing with season premiere critiques, American Dad's Patrick Stewart heavy premiere was great. Stan's liberal daughter begins seeing his conservative, very old, boss (Stewart). The sex jokes out of Stewart's mouth are hilarious. Family Guy was even funnier. Brian began dating Meg's black teacher, and Peter decided he would replace Brian's friendship with James Woods. There was a great scene on the bridge of the Enterprise-D with Stewart and Michael Dorn and possibly Jonathan Frakes lending their voices. That is it so far on the premieres, although I have to comment that The Flight That Fought Back on Discovery was very moving. It was about Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11
Qop! (long one, but good; from the Buffy episode "Flood")
GILES: (over his shoulder) You're a very stupid girl.
WILLOW: What? Giles...
GILES: (turns to face her) Do you have any idea what you've done? The forces you've harnessed, the lines you've crossed?
WILLOW: I thought you'd be ... impressed, or, or something.
GILES: Oh, don't worry, you've ... made a very deep impression. Of everyone here ... you were the one I trusted most to respect the forces of nature.
WILLOW: Are you saying you don't trust me?
GILES: (intensely) Think what you've done to Buffy.
WILLOW: I brought her back!
GILES: At incredible risk!
WILLOW: Risk? Of what? Making her deader?
GILES: Of killing us all. Unleashing hell on Earth, I mean, shall I go on?
WILLOW: No! (stands) Giles, I did what I had to do. I did what nobody else could do.
GILES: Oh, there are others in this world who can do what you did. You just don't want to meet them. (turns away again)
WILLOW: No, probably not, but ... well, they're the bad guys. I'm not a bad guy. (upset) I brought Buffy back into this world, a-and maybe the word you should be looking for is "congratulations."
GILES: Having Buffy back in the world makes me feel ... indescribably wonderful, but I wouldn't congratulate you if you jumped off a cliff and happened to survive.
WILLOW: That's not what I did, Giles.
GILES: (angry) You were lucky.
WILLOW: I wasn't lucky. I was amazing. And how would you know? You weren't even there.
GILES: If I had been, I'd have bloody well stopped you. The magicks you channeled are more ferocious and primal than anything you can hope to understand, (even more angry) and you are lucky to be alive, you rank, arrogant amateur!
Then a bunch of us went to see The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I had no desire to see it because it looked scary, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was a courtroom thing with flashbacks to the exorcism and while those were a bit startling, it was very well done. And it was based on a true story. This girl named Emily died and the priest who had earlier performed an unsuccessful exorcism on her was charged for negligence for encouraging her to abandon medical treatment. It was very dramatic and cool. I won't tell you how it ends. The priest and his lawyer were great actors, and it had our favorite beige queen from last season's 24.
Continuing with season premiere critiques, American Dad's Patrick Stewart heavy premiere was great. Stan's liberal daughter begins seeing his conservative, very old, boss (Stewart). The sex jokes out of Stewart's mouth are hilarious. Family Guy was even funnier. Brian began dating Meg's black teacher, and Peter decided he would replace Brian's friendship with James Woods. There was a great scene on the bridge of the Enterprise-D with Stewart and Michael Dorn and possibly Jonathan Frakes lending their voices. That is it so far on the premieres, although I have to comment that The Flight That Fought Back on Discovery was very moving. It was about Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11
Qop! (long one, but good; from the Buffy episode "Flood")
GILES: (over his shoulder) You're a very stupid girl.
WILLOW: What? Giles...
GILES: (turns to face her) Do you have any idea what you've done? The forces you've harnessed, the lines you've crossed?
WILLOW: I thought you'd be ... impressed, or, or something.
GILES: Oh, don't worry, you've ... made a very deep impression. Of everyone here ... you were the one I trusted most to respect the forces of nature.
WILLOW: Are you saying you don't trust me?
GILES: (intensely) Think what you've done to Buffy.
WILLOW: I brought her back!
GILES: At incredible risk!
WILLOW: Risk? Of what? Making her deader?
GILES: Of killing us all. Unleashing hell on Earth, I mean, shall I go on?
WILLOW: No! (stands) Giles, I did what I had to do. I did what nobody else could do.
GILES: Oh, there are others in this world who can do what you did. You just don't want to meet them. (turns away again)
WILLOW: No, probably not, but ... well, they're the bad guys. I'm not a bad guy. (upset) I brought Buffy back into this world, a-and maybe the word you should be looking for is "congratulations."
GILES: Having Buffy back in the world makes me feel ... indescribably wonderful, but I wouldn't congratulate you if you jumped off a cliff and happened to survive.
WILLOW: That's not what I did, Giles.
GILES: (angry) You were lucky.
WILLOW: I wasn't lucky. I was amazing. And how would you know? You weren't even there.
GILES: If I had been, I'd have bloody well stopped you. The magicks you channeled are more ferocious and primal than anything you can hope to understand, (even more angry) and you are lucky to be alive, you rank, arrogant amateur!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
I just checked my web site stats and I have had well over 200 hits in the past week. Not on my blog, but on my main web site. Why is this? I have no idea! I don't advertise it or anything. That makes me excited. Sorry I haven't been quicker with posting book info, but I will have it all up and running in time for the release. I am so excited about it that there's hardly anything else to talk about on here.
I am actually unemployed officially at the moment. Although I will be officially hired again soon, this week I have not worked or earned any income. How strange is that? It's so weird. I just stopped showing up for the one part time job I was working. I hated it so much. I didn't give them any notice, but I'd only been working it for less than two weeks, so I really didn't feel like I needed to. They were nice people, but I just couldn't stand it anymore.
It's now official Premiere Season as the summer shows have ended. A quick run down on what I am watching:
Reno 9-1-1 ~ ended on much less of a cliffhanger than usual, but will they execute Trudy's new husband? Hmm.
Stella ~ Is it still on? I don't know. It just disappeared.
Family Guy ~ It's been off for a month but it's back this weekend, and so is American Dad. Yay!
Greg the Bunny ~ It's back on, but it's on IFC, a premium channel, so I don't get to see it. :(
Prison Break ~ Started off really good, although a big disturbing. It has Eve from Angel and is produced by Marti Noxon. Interesting.
The Daily Show ~ After a week off, Stewart is back and ATTACKING Bush and FEMA. I've never seen him so angry. Weird.
Veronica Mars ~ With only about four episodes under my belt, I don't feel prepared for the new season, but I'll give it a shot. Season One hits DVD in late Oct so I can catch up.
Medium ~ I just saw the pilot, finally, and am ready to go for Season Two in two weeks. It's going to be fantastic.
"I don't want any trouble. I just want to be alone and quiet, you know, with a chair, a fireplace, and a tea cozy. I'm not even sure what a tea cosy is, but I want one." ~ Buffy, "Anne"
I am actually unemployed officially at the moment. Although I will be officially hired again soon, this week I have not worked or earned any income. How strange is that? It's so weird. I just stopped showing up for the one part time job I was working. I hated it so much. I didn't give them any notice, but I'd only been working it for less than two weeks, so I really didn't feel like I needed to. They were nice people, but I just couldn't stand it anymore.
It's now official Premiere Season as the summer shows have ended. A quick run down on what I am watching:
Reno 9-1-1 ~ ended on much less of a cliffhanger than usual, but will they execute Trudy's new husband? Hmm.
Stella ~ Is it still on? I don't know. It just disappeared.
Family Guy ~ It's been off for a month but it's back this weekend, and so is American Dad. Yay!
Greg the Bunny ~ It's back on, but it's on IFC, a premium channel, so I don't get to see it. :(
Prison Break ~ Started off really good, although a big disturbing. It has Eve from Angel and is produced by Marti Noxon. Interesting.
The Daily Show ~ After a week off, Stewart is back and ATTACKING Bush and FEMA. I've never seen him so angry. Weird.
Veronica Mars ~ With only about four episodes under my belt, I don't feel prepared for the new season, but I'll give it a shot. Season One hits DVD in late Oct so I can catch up.
Medium ~ I just saw the pilot, finally, and am ready to go for Season Two in two weeks. It's going to be fantastic.
"I don't want any trouble. I just want to be alone and quiet, you know, with a chair, a fireplace, and a tea cozy. I'm not even sure what a tea cosy is, but I want one." ~ Buffy, "Anne"
Monday, September 05, 2005
My Web Site
For those of you who come straight to his blog and skip over my main site, please don't, because my counter is on my main site. :) I get hundreds of visitors a month on my counter, but I want an accurate number. Speaking of my site, it is being revamped, so it would be really cool if you checked it out. It won't contain all that personal crap it used to. I will still maintain this blog, and the blog will still be on a personal level, but the rest of the site it being changed to promote the book series. It will have character profiles, description of the plot (no spoilers), the latest info on publicity events, cool stuff for sale, and that kind of thing. I have already begun the revamp and I think it's going to be really cool. If you want to know when the book goes on sale, that will be the place to check for the latest info. I know this entry didn't sound very personal, and I'm sorry, but that's life. :)
"I'm cookie dough, okay? I'm not done baking yet. I'm not finished becoming whoever the hell it is I'm going to turn out to be. I've been looking for someone to make me feel whole, and maybe I just need to be whole. I make it through this, and the next...maybe one day I turn around and realize I'm ready. I'm cookies. And then if I want someone to eat m, er, to enjoy warm delicious cookie me, then that's fine." ~ Buffy "Chosen"
"I'm cookie dough, okay? I'm not done baking yet. I'm not finished becoming whoever the hell it is I'm going to turn out to be. I've been looking for someone to make me feel whole, and maybe I just need to be whole. I make it through this, and the next...maybe one day I turn around and realize I'm ready. I'm cookies. And then if I want someone to eat m, er, to enjoy warm delicious cookie me, then that's fine." ~ Buffy "Chosen"
Saturday, September 03, 2005
My Life
It's time once again for "Have a Few Drinks, Can't Sleep, Evaluate My Life Online So The Whole World Can See", as I do periodically. So tonight was the big housewarming party. Or little party. Ok, so Nick, Lisa, and Jonathan showed up, and Nick slept half the time he was here. :) That's ok. I'm at a point in my life where I can do without a lot of the old friends whom I don't see all the time. Anyone reading this post is not included in that group. I am talking about the people I have no contact with at all anymore and have just become very peripheral to my life. And that's ok. A lot of them I don't really miss. Some people I still want in my life weren't here tonight, and that is ok too. I understand that some of them weren't nearby or had other things going on. We're cool. Don't worry. I am just impatient to get on with life and drop stupid school and part time job crap.
Speaking of part time jobs, I hate Target. I tried to convince myself it was fun because the people there seem cool, although none of them seem to want to open up and befriend me and discourage small talk. Ah, well. Again, no worries there. It doesn't bother me. I hope I'm not there too much longer. All the sub paperwork is being finished and I will be in the schools soon and at least able to majorly cut back my hours there, which I need to do because I really hate it and I'm working a whole bunch of days. Also, my book is being published so there may be some money there. I am getting paid by a percentage of the sales, not a lump sum, so here's hoping I sell enough copies to help me make some money and let me quit working at Target so I have time to work on more books. This is what is keeping me from sinking into depression right now because the book thing is really exciting. Besides, being a 'tortured soul' helps me to be a better writer.
And of course the last and most depressing thing is my love life, or lack thereof. I have become a lot more active in searching for people to at least go on dates with, but to no avail. I apologize to any friends who read this and are interested, but I don't return the interest. Trust me, I totally understand because I have friends that I like a lot who don't return the interest. And sometimes it pisses me off when they go for jerks, or even more when they go for nice guys who aren't me, but I sit there and grin and bear it because I really do care. However, it is well past time for me to get on with my love life. Please help me! Set me up with someone cute and cool! That's all I ask. I'm ready to date, I want to do it! :)
Qop! "You vagina is so big, it played the cave in Batman Begins!" ~ an excerpt from the Comedy Central Roast of Pamela Andreson, which was surprisingly hilarious. Go Sarah Silverman and Bea Arthur!
P.S. I had to repost this to delete a comment from someone with a 'business oppurtunity'. NO SPAM ALLOWED ON THIS BLOG!!!
Speaking of part time jobs, I hate Target. I tried to convince myself it was fun because the people there seem cool, although none of them seem to want to open up and befriend me and discourage small talk. Ah, well. Again, no worries there. It doesn't bother me. I hope I'm not there too much longer. All the sub paperwork is being finished and I will be in the schools soon and at least able to majorly cut back my hours there, which I need to do because I really hate it and I'm working a whole bunch of days. Also, my book is being published so there may be some money there. I am getting paid by a percentage of the sales, not a lump sum, so here's hoping I sell enough copies to help me make some money and let me quit working at Target so I have time to work on more books. This is what is keeping me from sinking into depression right now because the book thing is really exciting. Besides, being a 'tortured soul' helps me to be a better writer.
And of course the last and most depressing thing is my love life, or lack thereof. I have become a lot more active in searching for people to at least go on dates with, but to no avail. I apologize to any friends who read this and are interested, but I don't return the interest. Trust me, I totally understand because I have friends that I like a lot who don't return the interest. And sometimes it pisses me off when they go for jerks, or even more when they go for nice guys who aren't me, but I sit there and grin and bear it because I really do care. However, it is well past time for me to get on with my love life. Please help me! Set me up with someone cute and cool! That's all I ask. I'm ready to date, I want to do it! :)
Qop! "You vagina is so big, it played the cave in Batman Begins!" ~ an excerpt from the Comedy Central Roast of Pamela Andreson, which was surprisingly hilarious. Go Sarah Silverman and Bea Arthur!
P.S. I had to repost this to delete a comment from someone with a 'business oppurtunity'. NO SPAM ALLOWED ON THIS BLOG!!!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
I'm An Author!!!
I am getting my book published!!! It is through BookSurge and will be avilable on Amazon.com soon. I will let you know the details when I know it. Beginning Monday I have a meeting about some of the logistics (cover design, etc.) and I am just so so so excited, so buy lots of copies for Christmas presents and things!!! YAY!!!
"I am speechless."
"I am speechless."
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Dawson's Creek
THIS DOES NOT CONTAIN SPOILERS TO THE OVERALL SERIES, ALTHOUGH IT OUTLINES ONE EPISODE THAT DOES NOT BEAR INTO ANY LONG TERMS OF 5th SEASON ARCS. IT IS SAFE TO READ, LISA! I have been watching the Dawson's Creek DVDs for quite some time now. When I got Season 5 a few months ago, I had been excited to watch it but it wasn't until this week when I got the chance. I have always regarded the show as a bit trashy and was slightly embarrassed that I liked it and was addicted to it, but I couldn't help myself. I'm a sucker for sappy stuff, even over the top dramatic high school angst, which is odd considering no girl even looked at me in high school and I didn't experience the angst myself. Still, I have since had relationships and I can really feel for the characters, even if they seem to young to be going through things. Today, however, I watched an episode of Dawson's Creek which changed my mind about the show forever.
The episode was called "Downtown Crossing" and was focused only on 3 characters: Joey (Katie Holmes), a mugger, and the mugger's wife, played by Merecedes McNab of Buffy and Angel fame. The first part of the episode concentrated on the mugger taunting Joey, pulling a gun on her, stealing all her money out of her account, her cell phone, and even her coat. Obviously they could not use the normal cheery theme song so a dark one was put in it's place that just flashed the main actor's names, even though Joey was the only one in it. The mugger finally left her alone, and despite her smart ass mouth and a kick to his head, he didn't harm her. She tried walking home in the snow with no coat and it was sad. Then the mugger showed up and waved at her, just to get hit by a car moments later. Instead of running off, after getting her coat and things back, Joey calls an ambulance and stays with the man, talking to him about his family. She begins to compare the man, who is also a drug dealer, to her father, and feels sorry for him. At the hospital, his separated wife and daughter show up and the parallels between her father and the mugger continue to build. When the wife finds out who Joey is and the circumstances surrounding the accident, she leaves. The wife wants nothing to do with the mugger, but the daughter adores her father. They leave, and Joey is the only one who can stand by the mugger as he dies and they talk about her father and why he did what he did. In the end, Joey sees the wife and daughter one last time. The daughter innocently asks "Did my Daddy do something bad to hurt you?" Joey looks at the girl and says "No, he saved my life." She preceeds to tell the child that the mugger actually pushed her out of the way of the car, then silently Joey despoits her money in the wife's purse as she leaves. This episode made me feel and even cry for a drug dealer!!! I don't care how cheesy the show is. Only brilliant writing can pull that off. Amazing.
Oh, and I also discovered that Joshua Jackson (Pacey) directed an episode and Robert Duncan McNeil (Paris from Star Trek: Voyager) directed several. And Dawson's mom was the virgin in Caesar times from Mel Brooks' History of the World Part I! I love www.imdb.com!
Dawson's Creek 1998-2003
Starring: With
James Van Der Beek as Dawson Leery
Katie Holmes as Joey Potter
Michelle Williams as Jen Lindley
Joshua Jackson as Pacey Witter
Mary Beth Piel as Grams
Kerr Smith as Jack McPhee
Meredith Monroe as Andie McPhee
Busy Phillips as Audrey Liddell
Mary Margaret Humes as Gail Leery
John Wesley Ship as Mitch Leery
Nina Repeta as Bessie Potter
Monica Keena as Abby Morgan
Qop! (Dawson's Creek - throughout the series)
"What about you, Joe? Are you a virgin?"
"You kidding? Years ago. Trucker named Bubba." ~ Jen (Michelle Williams) & Joey (Katie Holmes)
" You know, this town is the absolute embodiment of dull. Apart from the occasional sex scandal provided by yours truly, nothing happens here." ~ Pacey (Joshua Jackson)
" You mean that you guys would rather watch a movie about something than actually doing it yourselves?"
"Correct." ~ Andie (Meredith Monroe) and Dawson & Joey (James Van Der Beek & Holmes)
"Emilio Estevez. He was in those Ducks movies. Man, those were the best." ~ Pacey (Jackson, who starred in the Ducks movies with Estevez)
"Good teachers are just traumatized students trying to erase whatever went wrong with their own high school experience." ~ Jack (Kerr Smith)
"Tell ya what, grams. I'll go to church with you when you say the word penis." ~ Jen
"Wait a second. You're taking romantic advice from a guy who spent his evening trying to get 3 snails to sleep together?" ~ Joey (referring to Pacey's attempt to create a snail menage-a-troi)
"I make a cancer joke and Joey gets mad, or I make a crazy joke and Andie gets upset, or I make a joke about ho-bags and Jen starts humping the couch." ~ Abby
"I mean, you did just nude-up with the guy. Oh, I'm sorry, or did you guys do it through a hole in a sheet because that's very Dawson and Joey to me." ~ Audrey
"You and I are meant to be together, Joey. Period. The end. Cue happy-ending music." ~ Dawson (NOT at the end of the series)
The episode was called "Downtown Crossing" and was focused only on 3 characters: Joey (Katie Holmes), a mugger, and the mugger's wife, played by Merecedes McNab of Buffy and Angel fame. The first part of the episode concentrated on the mugger taunting Joey, pulling a gun on her, stealing all her money out of her account, her cell phone, and even her coat. Obviously they could not use the normal cheery theme song so a dark one was put in it's place that just flashed the main actor's names, even though Joey was the only one in it. The mugger finally left her alone, and despite her smart ass mouth and a kick to his head, he didn't harm her. She tried walking home in the snow with no coat and it was sad. Then the mugger showed up and waved at her, just to get hit by a car moments later. Instead of running off, after getting her coat and things back, Joey calls an ambulance and stays with the man, talking to him about his family. She begins to compare the man, who is also a drug dealer, to her father, and feels sorry for him. At the hospital, his separated wife and daughter show up and the parallels between her father and the mugger continue to build. When the wife finds out who Joey is and the circumstances surrounding the accident, she leaves. The wife wants nothing to do with the mugger, but the daughter adores her father. They leave, and Joey is the only one who can stand by the mugger as he dies and they talk about her father and why he did what he did. In the end, Joey sees the wife and daughter one last time. The daughter innocently asks "Did my Daddy do something bad to hurt you?" Joey looks at the girl and says "No, he saved my life." She preceeds to tell the child that the mugger actually pushed her out of the way of the car, then silently Joey despoits her money in the wife's purse as she leaves. This episode made me feel and even cry for a drug dealer!!! I don't care how cheesy the show is. Only brilliant writing can pull that off. Amazing.
Oh, and I also discovered that Joshua Jackson (Pacey) directed an episode and Robert Duncan McNeil (Paris from Star Trek: Voyager) directed several. And Dawson's mom was the virgin in Caesar times from Mel Brooks' History of the World Part I! I love www.imdb.com!
Dawson's Creek 1998-2003
Starring: With
James Van Der Beek as Dawson Leery
Katie Holmes as Joey Potter
Michelle Williams as Jen Lindley
Joshua Jackson as Pacey Witter
Mary Beth Piel as Grams
Kerr Smith as Jack McPhee
Meredith Monroe as Andie McPhee
Busy Phillips as Audrey Liddell
Mary Margaret Humes as Gail Leery
John Wesley Ship as Mitch Leery
Nina Repeta as Bessie Potter
Monica Keena as Abby Morgan
Qop! (Dawson's Creek - throughout the series)
"What about you, Joe? Are you a virgin?"
"You kidding? Years ago. Trucker named Bubba." ~ Jen (Michelle Williams) & Joey (Katie Holmes)
" You know, this town is the absolute embodiment of dull. Apart from the occasional sex scandal provided by yours truly, nothing happens here." ~ Pacey (Joshua Jackson)
" You mean that you guys would rather watch a movie about something than actually doing it yourselves?"
"Correct." ~ Andie (Meredith Monroe) and Dawson & Joey (James Van Der Beek & Holmes)
"Emilio Estevez. He was in those Ducks movies. Man, those were the best." ~ Pacey (Jackson, who starred in the Ducks movies with Estevez)
"Good teachers are just traumatized students trying to erase whatever went wrong with their own high school experience." ~ Jack (Kerr Smith)
"Tell ya what, grams. I'll go to church with you when you say the word penis." ~ Jen
"Wait a second. You're taking romantic advice from a guy who spent his evening trying to get 3 snails to sleep together?" ~ Joey (referring to Pacey's attempt to create a snail menage-a-troi)
"I make a cancer joke and Joey gets mad, or I make a crazy joke and Andie gets upset, or I make a joke about ho-bags and Jen starts humping the couch." ~ Abby
"I mean, you did just nude-up with the guy. Oh, I'm sorry, or did you guys do it through a hole in a sheet because that's very Dawson and Joey to me." ~ Audrey
"You and I are meant to be together, Joey. Period. The end. Cue happy-ending music." ~ Dawson (NOT at the end of the series)
Monday, August 29, 2005
I really don't have much to update, other than to remind you of our housewarming party this weekend. My Target job is ok, but I miss certain aspect of ym Flyer's job. Oh, well. It's a better, more friendly company, at least so far. Of course, Flyer's used to be that in the early days too. Anyway, just thought I'd say hi to everybody. Bye! :)
"If you were truly a masochist, wouldn'tyou suffer more if you *didn't* get whipped?" ~ www.ruminate.com
"If you were truly a masochist, wouldn'tyou suffer more if you *didn't* get whipped?" ~ www.ruminate.com
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I'm back! Again!
So last Saturday my computer got fried by lightening, hence the not being online and stuff this past week. However I now have a new computer. The problem is I have not yet been able to access my old harddrive and retrieve my saved files (such as my friends' website addresses and such). I am told that I will be able to accomplish this as soon as I show a little iniative and take it somewhere, so soon. Also, this past week I quit Flyer's and have started working for Target at Easton. It's less money, but they're still going to be flexible with the hours, and it's 2 miles instead of 35 saving on tons of gasoline. Plus Flyer's the company (not most of the owners whom I like, but the 'president' and guy running things) treated me like shit so it was time to move on. After 6 years you'd think I had deserved a little respect, but whatever. I was happy to go. Lastly, don't forget our housewarming party next Friday night! Yay!
"Is it sad that your career may be remembered mostly just for discovering Steve Correll?" ~ Chris Wallace to Jon Stewart, The Daily Show, August 22
"Is it sad that your career may be remembered mostly just for discovering Steve Correll?" ~ Chris Wallace to Jon Stewart, The Daily Show, August 22
Friday, August 19, 2005
Steppin' Out
Okay, this is Nick. I just wanna say, that it's my party, so we don't give a mutha fuck it's my birthday.
Just kidding. Well, I give a fuck, but you know what I mean.
I just wanted to come on here, cos me and Jimmy are gonna go out and tear this mutha fucker off. Booyah.
Okay, Jimmy is sitting, er standing with a Smirnoff, impersonating Sean Connery and his mom, and having a good time. Of course, arguging, actually having an intelectual conversation regarding that I did not clarify who's mom, even though, I stated, being this is Nick typing, "his mom." Now we are talking about pronouns, and I- Jesus Christ my head is spinning.
Okay, and now he is going on about Orgazmo. Jesus and I love you Joe. Well, that's nice, but we'll all have to answer to Jesus, that fairy.
I'm not going to hell though, but a happy place. A special place. Full of special people. With a good fairy named Jesus, gives me lemonade, freshly squeezed, shaken, not stirred. And dear God, this IS the weirdest blog I've written.
And to clarify, I can talk about me and J.C. cos we down and shit. You dig? w0rd mutha fucker.
Okay, seriously though, admist the giggles and weird typings, and Jimmy FINALLY realizing I am typing this on his blog, we are going out to Arlington Cafe to see Joey Blayze. Check it out y'all y'all check it out!
Signing off,
Nick (and an already on his way there with 1 Smirnoff Jimmy)
Just kidding. Well, I give a fuck, but you know what I mean.
I just wanted to come on here, cos me and Jimmy are gonna go out and tear this mutha fucker off. Booyah.
Okay, Jimmy is sitting, er standing with a Smirnoff, impersonating Sean Connery and his mom, and having a good time. Of course, arguging, actually having an intelectual conversation regarding that I did not clarify who's mom, even though, I stated, being this is Nick typing, "his mom." Now we are talking about pronouns, and I- Jesus Christ my head is spinning.
Okay, and now he is going on about Orgazmo. Jesus and I love you Joe. Well, that's nice, but we'll all have to answer to Jesus, that fairy.
I'm not going to hell though, but a happy place. A special place. Full of special people. With a good fairy named Jesus, gives me lemonade, freshly squeezed, shaken, not stirred. And dear God, this IS the weirdest blog I've written.
And to clarify, I can talk about me and J.C. cos we down and shit. You dig? w0rd mutha fucker.
Okay, seriously though, admist the giggles and weird typings, and Jimmy FINALLY realizing I am typing this on his blog, we are going out to Arlington Cafe to see Joey Blayze. Check it out y'all y'all check it out!
Signing off,
Nick (and an already on his way there with 1 Smirnoff Jimmy)
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
:) Colbert
Stephen Colbert is not dead. I was just joking. I was in a weird mood, I was on Lisa's internet and suffering from withdrawal from mine. I don't know why, but after watching his This Week in God segment on mocking deities, I jus thought it would be really funny to post that. I'm sorry Mr. Colbert, and anyone who believe me.
Anyway, I now have internet back, but I haven't been able to get Netscape to connect, although I have no idea why. I blog on Explorer because this site doesn't really work with Netscape, but I HATE Explorer and refuse to do anything else on it. Please stay tuned until I can get into my e-mail.
Also, house warming party on Friday night of labor day weekend, first Friday in September! Mark your calendars!
"Jesus and I love you, Joe."
"Jesus and I love you too Lisa." ~ Orgasmo, when the Mormon couple ends their phone conversations
Anyway, I now have internet back, but I haven't been able to get Netscape to connect, although I have no idea why. I blog on Explorer because this site doesn't really work with Netscape, but I HATE Explorer and refuse to do anything else on it. Please stay tuned until I can get into my e-mail.
Also, house warming party on Friday night of labor day weekend, first Friday in September! Mark your calendars!
"Jesus and I love you, Joe."
"Jesus and I love you too Lisa." ~ Orgasmo, when the Mormon couple ends their phone conversations
Friday, August 12, 2005
Stephen Colbert 1964-2005, and Quetzcoatl is Real, Praise Quetzcoatl
Stephen Colbert is my favorite on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and he had his own spinoff news show coming this fall called The Colbert Report. Stephen was seen on The Daily Show only yesterday with his "This Week In God" segment. He started a new thing called "Blaspha-ME", in which he picks a god and taunts them saying things like "You're a pussy! If you're real strike me down in the next five seconds." He chose Quetzcoatl, the Aztec god, to ridicule this week in his first sgement. Well, he didn't die on the program, but several news sources have reported that later last night, actually early this morning, Colbert died of an aneurism. I don't know if it's coincidence, but just in case, Praise Quetzcoatal! And keep watching The Daily Show. I hope they memorialize him well. He was a great comedian.
"Quetzcoatl! You're a pussy!" ~ Stepehen Colbert, Thursday August 11th, 2005 on The Daily Show
"Quetzcoatl! You're a pussy!" ~ Stepehen Colbert, Thursday August 11th, 2005 on The Daily Show
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I'm A Big Kid, Er Adult, Now
It's official. I finished college yesterday. I finished my class by 7pm and now I am totally done and have earned a bachelor degree. I didn't feel excited, or anything at all, about the graduation ceremony in June, but I was pretty excited to be finished last night. I figure I'll probably get an A in the class and it was more fun than I thought it was going to be. I am moving out this morning from my aunt's house and into my first real apartment. I'll miss my cousins, aunt, and uncle, and my cousins are definitely going to miss me - they keep telling me and they're reading over my shoulders right now. :) Chris, Mandy, step back! :) They're going to go flush my car keys down the toilet or tie me to a chair or blow up my apartment so I have to move back, or so they are telling me. Anyway, I finally am out on my own completly, no more college owned place, and I feel like a real adult. It's great. Life has begun.
"One of my favorite activities is surfing the internet completly naked. I still don't know why I got fired, I only did it during my breaks." ~ www.ruminate.com
"One of my favorite activities is surfing the internet completly naked. I still don't know why I got fired, I only did it during my breaks." ~ www.ruminate.com
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
So I don't have much to write about except to say that I am moving back to Westerville tomorrow, and the stupid cable service won't be over to hook up our internet for an ENTIRE WEEK!!! So this is like vacation all over again. If you want to get ahold of me, and I hope you do, just call. And I am now a moderator for www.hotornot.com so go there and use it. It's fun. Oh, and I also got tagged by Jenn and Amanda to do some song thing where you list five songs and the artists that you are currently playing a lot, no particular order, and then tag 5 other people to do the same. I don't know if I know another five people who have blogs and who read mine, but Lisa and Jonathan and Nick, you'd better do it. :) Ok, you totally don't have to. But by me doing it, Jenn and Amanda know I still read their blogs regularly.
1. Mess I've Made - Ben Folds
2. What Ever Happended to My Part? - Sara Ramirez, Spamalot soundtrack
3. Rest In Peace - James Marsters, Buffy: Once More With Feeling
4. 80's TV Theme Medley - Brian & Stewie (Seth McFarlane), Family Guy: Live In Las Vegas
5. Magic Moments - Perry Como, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy soundtrack
"I teach my children to be kind and take extragood care of their toys. It teaches themdiscipline and shows them that if they takecare of things, they'll last longer. But themain reason is that if toys should ever cometo life and take over the world, maybe they'llremember our kindness and spare my family." ~ www.ruminate.com
1. Mess I've Made - Ben Folds
2. What Ever Happended to My Part? - Sara Ramirez, Spamalot soundtrack
3. Rest In Peace - James Marsters, Buffy: Once More With Feeling
4. 80's TV Theme Medley - Brian & Stewie (Seth McFarlane), Family Guy: Live In Las Vegas
5. Magic Moments - Perry Como, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy soundtrack
"I teach my children to be kind and take extragood care of their toys. It teaches themdiscipline and shows them that if they takecare of things, they'll last longer. But themain reason is that if toys should ever cometo life and take over the world, maybe they'llremember our kindness and spare my family." ~ www.ruminate.com
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Crazy World
Every so often I throw in my own opinions on the world and politics on this page and you can either take them or leave them. The first thing I want to talk about is Joe Bidden, a senior senator for Delaware, and a Democrat at that. He was on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart this week talking about how he has began to prepare for the 2008 presidential election. Stewart began pushing about running mates and John McCain's name came up - a Republican senator from Arizona. Both are moderates and they have worked on a lot of projects together in the Senate. Now in my naive-ness and lack of knowledge on these people, the idea of a Republican-Democrat split ticket sounds awesome! Stewart kept pressing Bidden on whether it would actually happen or not and finally, after some haggling, Bidden said YES. So does that mean they're running together? I guess we have to wait and see. But this is a ticket I, at least at first glance, can get behind. It might help put a stop to the country's division. And they were against the Iraq War, so that makes me happy.
Another thing Stewart talked about on that episode was oil prices. Did you know that Exxon made over 7 billion dollars in PROFIT last QUARTER!?! This is freakin' ridiculous! The government just approved of a bill to give millions of dollars for oil companies to research fuel sources and billions of dollars in tax breaks, when the oil companies are making tons of money in pure profit and we're paying out our ass at the pumps. I am sick of this crap and it really pisses me off. I've tried to defend gas prices, saying we're almost out of oil and we still pay less than most place in the world anyway, but with statistics like that, I just want to ring someone's neck. Isn't it insane?
Anyway, done with the ranting for the night. Take care all.
" I think if you really like a girl, youhave to pay a LOT of attention to her.But try telling that to those jerks on the jury. " ~ Dave George, www.ruminate.com
Another thing Stewart talked about on that episode was oil prices. Did you know that Exxon made over 7 billion dollars in PROFIT last QUARTER!?! This is freakin' ridiculous! The government just approved of a bill to give millions of dollars for oil companies to research fuel sources and billions of dollars in tax breaks, when the oil companies are making tons of money in pure profit and we're paying out our ass at the pumps. I am sick of this crap and it really pisses me off. I've tried to defend gas prices, saying we're almost out of oil and we still pay less than most place in the world anyway, but with statistics like that, I just want to ring someone's neck. Isn't it insane?
Anyway, done with the ranting for the night. Take care all.
" I think if you really like a girl, youhave to pay a LOT of attention to her.But try telling that to those jerks on the jury. " ~ Dave George, www.ruminate.com
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Great Way to Start the Month
So I get back from vacation...to be fired! After six years with Flyer's Pizza, they decide to fire me, no questions asked, for "falsifying documents". Luckily two great guys stuck up for me, came to me and let me explain the company's own records, which for some reason the office didn't understand, and show them how I did nothing of the sort. Don't get me wrong, I am very greatful to Chris and Scott for their sticking up for me, but the whole fact that after 6 years my employers, people who do know me, would believe for a second that I would attempt to cheat them and screw them over, and in turn fired me without an explanation, really ticks me off. This morning I was offered an apology (from the people who stuck for me, not the people who offended me) and better driving shifts, but no compensation for the 15 hours of wages plus tips I should have made yesterday but was sent home, and a whole 24 hours of stress and anger and not much sleep last night. It's totall bull crap. At least if they fired me, I could collect unemployment and sue, but since they changed their minds after all the crap I just have to suck it up and continue to work for them until I find something else. I was also informed I would not be getting a raise this year because I was "maxed out" on part-time pay, which is utter bull crap too. Inflation should at least figure into it, and all the stuff I do for them! And with the price of gas, and my commute, and the fact that I will now basically only be driving, it's just not fair. That's my rant, but while I still have much admiration and respect for certain people within the company, as far as I'm concerned Flyer's Pizza as a company is shit and I would not be sorry if they went under. Bastards.
"I'd like to be a knight, but I don't like to fight. I'm scared I simply may, just turn and run away." ~ David Hyde Pierce as Sir Robin, Spamalot
"I'd like to be a knight, but I don't like to fight. I'm scared I simply may, just turn and run away." ~ David Hyde Pierce as Sir Robin, Spamalot
Sunday, July 31, 2005
End of July
Another month has come to an end, and amazingly I did make 10 posts this month! Yay for me! :) Plenty is going on in my life. My final class at Otterbein meets 3 more times and that's it. Then I get a degree! Despite my utter lack of feeling at graduation, I have mustered up a little excitement about being done with classes in 10 days! Granted, it fades when I realize I am not doing anything with that degree, but that's not the whole point. I think a year of just substituting, while I work like crazy to pay rent, get out of debt (should be out by Christmas!, not counting student loans which will take about 76.343424 years), and paying for Australia next summer. For the 2006-07 school year I will plan on heading back to finish my music education certification. Heading back where, I have no idea at this point. I just need a year off of taking classes. I am so sick of classes.
Vacation was fun, but as relaxing as I had hoped. To tell you the truth, I had more fun with my family last year than with my friends this year. Not that my friends weren't fun. They were, but my family (aunts, uncles, cousins) are more into doing the things I want to do so I spent a lot of vacation alone (by choice) or with my aunt and uncle who were also in the condo. Highlights of vacation with my friends: Watching the entire first seasons of Scrubs, working on my book quite a bit, seeing dolphins jump, putt putting, and the final dinner, with only Jess, across the street. We had fun and drank a lot.
Now on with my life. Although to what, I don't know. Teaching, surely, and working on my book. Moving back to Westerville this month and into a nice, large three bedroom apartment with Michael (with a washer and dryer!), and who knows what else. I am going to a Tuscan Themed 60th Birthday party for my uncle on Saturday, August 13, but the invitation was for "and guest" and I don't have a date to the party. I've been thinking about girls I know, and for the first time in my life, there really isn't someone I see all the time that I have the least bit of romantic feelings for. There are girls I know that I like, but not ones I see all the time that I do. Not really close friends. It's weird, and the condition has existed for at least a couple of months. Maybe that means my time for a girl is coming soon? I watched Hitch and it made me long for love, but I'm not in any desperate stage. We'll see. And I am getting sick of my singlness being part of all of my Life Updates on here, so I predict it will change soon. I hope. :) The good news is, it hasn't really depressed me for awhile.
Ok, enough posting. Time to go unpack and attempt to be productive. Take care all!
"My dinner was looking at me!" ~ Me, having gone to a restaurant drunk on vacation and ordering their special, a $5.95 lobster that was whole and looked alive!
Vacation was fun, but as relaxing as I had hoped. To tell you the truth, I had more fun with my family last year than with my friends this year. Not that my friends weren't fun. They were, but my family (aunts, uncles, cousins) are more into doing the things I want to do so I spent a lot of vacation alone (by choice) or with my aunt and uncle who were also in the condo. Highlights of vacation with my friends: Watching the entire first seasons of Scrubs, working on my book quite a bit, seeing dolphins jump, putt putting, and the final dinner, with only Jess, across the street. We had fun and drank a lot.
Now on with my life. Although to what, I don't know. Teaching, surely, and working on my book. Moving back to Westerville this month and into a nice, large three bedroom apartment with Michael (with a washer and dryer!), and who knows what else. I am going to a Tuscan Themed 60th Birthday party for my uncle on Saturday, August 13, but the invitation was for "and guest" and I don't have a date to the party. I've been thinking about girls I know, and for the first time in my life, there really isn't someone I see all the time that I have the least bit of romantic feelings for. There are girls I know that I like, but not ones I see all the time that I do. Not really close friends. It's weird, and the condition has existed for at least a couple of months. Maybe that means my time for a girl is coming soon? I watched Hitch and it made me long for love, but I'm not in any desperate stage. We'll see. And I am getting sick of my singlness being part of all of my Life Updates on here, so I predict it will change soon. I hope. :) The good news is, it hasn't really depressed me for awhile.
Ok, enough posting. Time to go unpack and attempt to be productive. Take care all!
"My dinner was looking at me!" ~ Me, having gone to a restaurant drunk on vacation and ordering their special, a $5.95 lobster that was whole and looked alive!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
All I have to say about Florida tonight is that it was fun and I am tired. I just wanted to say I'm back, and I'll try to catch up on e-mail and journal this week. Take care all!
"I'm no Superman!" ~ Scrubs, vacation reference
"I'm no Superman!" ~ Scrubs, vacation reference
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
R.I.P. James Doohan 1920-2005
James Doohan died early this morning at the age of 85 from pnemonia and Alzheimers. He is best remembered for his portrayal of Monthgomery "Scotty" Scott on Star Trek. Canadian born, he was a master of dialects. Doohan served in the Canadian Army and landed at Juno Beach on D-Day. He suffered wounds and lost the middle finger on his right hand, which he managed to hide throughout his acting career. He had four children with his first wife, Judy, and two children with his second wife, Anita. The youngest of four children, he is survived by his wife of 28 years, Wende, and their three children, the youngest only being born in 2000. Doohan was never ashamed of his role as the famous engineer, and never got tired of hearing fans order him "Beam Me Up Scotty", although that line has never been said on screen in Star Trek. Doohan is the second original series cast member to pass away, as DeForrest Kelley (Dr. McCoy) died in 2001. On a personal note, I have always respected and admired James Doohan for his incredible acting skills, not just on Star Trek. I was saddened last August when he retired from public life after being diagonsed with Alzheimer's, and his death is very sad, although he led a rich and full life. Many of my favorite actors have died in recent years, Lane Smith (Perry White on Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman) for instance died last month. Doohan hits me the hardest though. My favorite two actors from the original Star Trek were the first two to go. Remember Jimmy and his legacy.
"I know this ship like I know the back of my hand!" James Doohan as Scotty in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Shortly thereafter he smacks his head on a pipe and lays unconscious
"I know this ship like I know the back of my hand!" James Doohan as Scotty in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Shortly thereafter he smacks his head on a pipe and lays unconscious
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Horcruxes and Princes
As I warned you, I would be posting a Harry Potter review that contained spoilers, and this is it! If you have not finish the book, do NOT read this! Unless you want the plot spoiled for you!
*First of all, that Snape scene in Chapter Two was incredibly confusing and left wandering which side he was really on. I figured he would sacrifice his life for Dumbledore's if it came to that. I didn't see his murder of Dumbledore coming at all before this book! How shocking and amazing! After six books of thinking he is on our side...I actually did see his betrayal coming when Dumbledore admitted to Harry during one of his lessons that he makes mistakes. I figured Snape was one of them, but WOW!!! And I didn't see that he was the half-blood prince until right before it happened, although it was pretty obvious. We also get to continue the Defense of Dark Arts teachers only last one year tradition.
*I felt bad for Draco! I cried fro him when he struggled with the decision to kill Dumbledore or have his family killed. He is a little prick, but I think there's hope for him yet. He may switch sides, if we can get him away from Snape.
*Voldermort's soul hidden in 6 Horcruxes that must be destroyed before he can be? Weird!
*I honestly didn't see Hagrid's brother amounting to anything, but I think he may be the key to recruting the giants, or some of them, on the side of good in the 7th book.
*Tonks and Professor Lupin!?! It works. I can't wait for Bill's wedding.
*Ok, we all know Percy is an ass, but he has been alienated from his family enough! He's a Weasley for goodness sakes! Make up with your damn family!
*I couldn't be happier to see Fred & George's success.
*It's about time Ron & Hermione came to terms with their feelings for each other, even if they didn't come out and say it. They'll make a cute couple.
*It's about freakin' time Harry & Ginny hooked up! Their breakup in the end didn't feel permanent, as Harry just had to go do his noble cause. If he survives book Seven, they'll be married. I think she needs to go with him in Book Seven. Speaking of...
*Ron, Hermione, & Harry not returning to Hogwart's next year!?! NO WAY!!! Lisa may be right when she said the school may not even reopen next year. If it does, I half suspect they'll end up going back, at least for awhile. The end of an era. Book 7 will be different. I feel very strongly that Neville and Ginny should join them. Luna could too, but I don't care one way or the other.
*Snape will have to be taken down in book seven before Voldermort. Maybe Draco could do it?
*AND LASTLY - Who is R.A.B??? I had no clue, but Lisa remembered Sirius's brother's name started with a R. R. Black. He was thought to be dead days after Voldermort's return, as he was a former Death Eater and didn't report back to his previous master. I have to think she must be right. No one ever found the body. What could possibly be going on there?
All in all, a GREAT book! Best so far in the series by far. Can't wait for the next one!
Qop! (Parts of End Of Book Six)
"How can Hogwarts close?" Hermione said softly.
"Maybe it won't," said Ron. "What d'you reckon Harry?"
"I'm not coming back even if it does reopen," said Harry. Ron gaped at him.
Hermione said sadly, "But then what will you do?"
"I've got to track down the rest of the Horcruxes, haven't I? There are still four of them out there. I've got to find them and destroy them, and then I've got to go after the seventh bit of Voldermort's soul, the bit that's still in his body, and I'm the one who's going to kill him." There was a long silence.
"We'll be there, Harry," said Ron.
"We'll go with you wherevere you're going."
"No - "
"You said to us once before," said Hermione quietly, "that there was a time to turn back if we wanted to. We've had time, haven't we?"
"We're with you whatever happens," said Ron.
*First of all, that Snape scene in Chapter Two was incredibly confusing and left wandering which side he was really on. I figured he would sacrifice his life for Dumbledore's if it came to that. I didn't see his murder of Dumbledore coming at all before this book! How shocking and amazing! After six books of thinking he is on our side...I actually did see his betrayal coming when Dumbledore admitted to Harry during one of his lessons that he makes mistakes. I figured Snape was one of them, but WOW!!! And I didn't see that he was the half-blood prince until right before it happened, although it was pretty obvious. We also get to continue the Defense of Dark Arts teachers only last one year tradition.
*I felt bad for Draco! I cried fro him when he struggled with the decision to kill Dumbledore or have his family killed. He is a little prick, but I think there's hope for him yet. He may switch sides, if we can get him away from Snape.
*Voldermort's soul hidden in 6 Horcruxes that must be destroyed before he can be? Weird!
*I honestly didn't see Hagrid's brother amounting to anything, but I think he may be the key to recruting the giants, or some of them, on the side of good in the 7th book.
*Tonks and Professor Lupin!?! It works. I can't wait for Bill's wedding.
*Ok, we all know Percy is an ass, but he has been alienated from his family enough! He's a Weasley for goodness sakes! Make up with your damn family!
*I couldn't be happier to see Fred & George's success.
*It's about time Ron & Hermione came to terms with their feelings for each other, even if they didn't come out and say it. They'll make a cute couple.
*It's about freakin' time Harry & Ginny hooked up! Their breakup in the end didn't feel permanent, as Harry just had to go do his noble cause. If he survives book Seven, they'll be married. I think she needs to go with him in Book Seven. Speaking of...
*Ron, Hermione, & Harry not returning to Hogwart's next year!?! NO WAY!!! Lisa may be right when she said the school may not even reopen next year. If it does, I half suspect they'll end up going back, at least for awhile. The end of an era. Book 7 will be different. I feel very strongly that Neville and Ginny should join them. Luna could too, but I don't care one way or the other.
*Snape will have to be taken down in book seven before Voldermort. Maybe Draco could do it?
*AND LASTLY - Who is R.A.B??? I had no clue, but Lisa remembered Sirius's brother's name started with a R. R. Black. He was thought to be dead days after Voldermort's return, as he was a former Death Eater and didn't report back to his previous master. I have to think she must be right. No one ever found the body. What could possibly be going on there?
All in all, a GREAT book! Best so far in the series by far. Can't wait for the next one!
Qop! (Parts of End Of Book Six)
"How can Hogwarts close?" Hermione said softly.
"Maybe it won't," said Ron. "What d'you reckon Harry?"
"I'm not coming back even if it does reopen," said Harry. Ron gaped at him.
Hermione said sadly, "But then what will you do?"
"I've got to track down the rest of the Horcruxes, haven't I? There are still four of them out there. I've got to find them and destroy them, and then I've got to go after the seventh bit of Voldermort's soul, the bit that's still in his body, and I'm the one who's going to kill him." There was a long silence.
"We'll be there, Harry," said Ron.
"We'll go with you wherevere you're going."
"No - "
"You said to us once before," said Hermione quietly, "that there was a time to turn back if we wanted to. We've had time, haven't we?"
"We're with you whatever happens," said Ron.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
This entry will not contain any spoilers, so don't worry, but I will put another entry up before I leaver for vacation that will so don't expect the next one not to have any. OMG!!! It was freakin' fantastic! It changed everything! So much was revealed! Not nearly as depressing as the last one, but still dark while keeping the charm that made the series so good. I cannot wait until the 7th book! It is going to be so great! I give it the highest rating I can. J. K. Rowling deserves every one of her awards and all that money! If you haven't finished it yet, what is wrong with you?!?! It's been out nearly 48 hours! Hurry up so I can talk about it!
"I knew I was different. I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something." ~ Tom Riddle, upon finding out he is a wizard in a flashback
Bonus Qop! (before you accuse me of spoiling, this is from Chapter Two!)
Conversation between Narcissa Malfoy and Snape, asking him to make an Unbreakable Promise, which if broken will kill him:
"Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's Wishes?"
"I will."
"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"
"I will."
"And should it prove necessary...if it seems Draco will fail...will you carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"
"I will."
"I knew I was different. I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something." ~ Tom Riddle, upon finding out he is a wizard in a flashback
Bonus Qop! (before you accuse me of spoiling, this is from Chapter Two!)
Conversation between Narcissa Malfoy and Snape, asking him to make an Unbreakable Promise, which if broken will kill him:
"Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's Wishes?"
"I will."
"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"
"I will."
"And should it prove necessary...if it seems Draco will fail...will you carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"
"I will."
Friday, July 15, 2005
I just wanted to put out a call for a roommate today. I'll update more later in the week. It looks like I no longer have anyone to live with, and I need to find a place ASAP. I can't afford a single apartment. Please help! Someone! ROOMMATE NEEDED!!!
"Always look on the bright side of life! (Whistle) Always look on the bright side of life! (Whistle)... Always look on the bright side of death!" ~Spamalot
"Always look on the bright side of life! (Whistle) Always look on the bright side of life! (Whistle)...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Hodge Podge
Spamalot Soundtrack - Pretty good. Not a lot of memorable stuff, but still funny. You have to love Hank Azaria, Tim Curry, David Hyde Pierce, Christopher Sieber, Sara Ramirez and Michael McGrath.
Felicity Season One - Made me cry a lot. Not as melodramatic as Dawson's Creek though, which is good. I am furious at the ending and can't wait to start season two tonight!
Batman Begins - Very intense, but incredible! I can't wait for them to continue this movie series.
Fantastic Four - I thought it was enjoyable. Funny at parts, but all around a pretty good movie.
Wicked: Songbook - I hate the keys! I can barely plunk along with the vocal line! But good music.
Summer Sisters - An unexpectedly good book by Judy Blume. A bit risque, but I like that. Can't wait to finish the last 100 pages.
Wicked - The novel by Gregory Maguire was pretty good, and it definitely left me with things and philosophies to think about.
Tales From The Captain's Table - Good collection of stories about Captains Jonathan Archer(Enterprise NX-01), William Riker (Titan), Elizabeth Shelby (Excalibur / Trident), Chakotay (Voyager), Jean-Luc Picard (Enterprise-D), Demora Sulu (Enterprise-B), Gold (DaVinci), Kira Nyres (Deep Space 9 / Defiant), and Klag. For those of you who don't know, Gold is part of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers book series and Shelby, who was a guest character in the TNG episode "Best of Both Worlds" is in New Frontier. Klag was the Klingon 2nd officer in the TNG episode where Riker did the officer exchange, and he is now a captain and has his own book series. Jenn, the Chakotay story was pretty good. It was the story of how he joined Starfleet sponsered by the old Captain Demore Sulu, who had left the Enterprise-B by that point. Riker's story was his honeymoon. Picard's was from the period between Stargazer and Enterprise-D.
Goerge W. Bush - Should still not be in office. :)
Ok, enough about that. I need to crash. I am exhausted from several days of solid work.
Qop! (From Spamlalot / Arthur - Tim Curry / Robin - David Hyde Pierce)
ARTHUR: Have you heard of this Broadway?
ROBIN: Yes Sire, but we don't stand a chance there?
ARTHUR: WHy not?
ROBIN: Because Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance often at the same time. They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people who need people and who are in many ways the luckiest people in the world. I'm sorry Sire, we don't have a chance...So listen Arthur, Darling, Closely to this neqa, We won't succeed on Broadway if we don't have any Jews! There's a very small percentiel, who enjoys a dancing gentile...You just won't succeed on Broadway if you don't have any Jews!
Bonus Qop! (Sara Ramirez playing the Lady of the Lake from Spamalot)
"Whatever happened to my part? It was exciting at the start, now we're halfway through Act Two, And I've had nothing yet to do, I've been off stage for far too long, It's ages since I had a song...I've no Tony Awars, I'm constantly replaced by Britney Spears! I might as well go to the pub! They've been out searching for a shrub! Out shopping for a bush, well they can kiss my tush. It seems to me they've really lost the ploy, whatever happened to my part?"
Felicity Season One - Made me cry a lot. Not as melodramatic as Dawson's Creek though, which is good. I am furious at the ending and can't wait to start season two tonight!
Batman Begins - Very intense, but incredible! I can't wait for them to continue this movie series.
Fantastic Four - I thought it was enjoyable. Funny at parts, but all around a pretty good movie.
Wicked: Songbook - I hate the keys! I can barely plunk along with the vocal line! But good music.
Summer Sisters - An unexpectedly good book by Judy Blume. A bit risque, but I like that. Can't wait to finish the last 100 pages.
Wicked - The novel by Gregory Maguire was pretty good, and it definitely left me with things and philosophies to think about.
Tales From The Captain's Table - Good collection of stories about Captains Jonathan Archer(Enterprise NX-01), William Riker (Titan), Elizabeth Shelby (Excalibur / Trident), Chakotay (Voyager), Jean-Luc Picard (Enterprise-D), Demora Sulu (Enterprise-B), Gold (DaVinci), Kira Nyres (Deep Space 9 / Defiant), and Klag. For those of you who don't know, Gold is part of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers book series and Shelby, who was a guest character in the TNG episode "Best of Both Worlds" is in New Frontier. Klag was the Klingon 2nd officer in the TNG episode where Riker did the officer exchange, and he is now a captain and has his own book series. Jenn, the Chakotay story was pretty good. It was the story of how he joined Starfleet sponsered by the old Captain Demore Sulu, who had left the Enterprise-B by that point. Riker's story was his honeymoon. Picard's was from the period between Stargazer and Enterprise-D.
Goerge W. Bush - Should still not be in office. :)
Ok, enough about that. I need to crash. I am exhausted from several days of solid work.
Qop! (From Spamlalot / Arthur - Tim Curry / Robin - David Hyde Pierce)
ARTHUR: Have you heard of this Broadway?
ROBIN: Yes Sire, but we don't stand a chance there?
ARTHUR: WHy not?
ROBIN: Because Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance often at the same time. They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people who need people and who are in many ways the luckiest people in the world. I'm sorry Sire, we don't have a chance...So listen Arthur, Darling, Closely to this neqa, We won't succeed on Broadway if we don't have any Jews! There's a very small percentiel, who enjoys a dancing gentile...You just won't succeed on Broadway if you don't have any Jews!
Bonus Qop! (Sara Ramirez playing the Lady of the Lake from Spamalot)
"Whatever happened to my part? It was exciting at the start, now we're halfway through Act Two, And I've had nothing yet to do, I've been off stage for far too long, It's ages since I had a song...I've no Tony Awars, I'm constantly replaced by Britney Spears! I might as well go to the pub! They've been out searching for a shrub! Out shopping for a bush, well they can kiss my tush. It seems to me they've really lost the ploy, whatever happened to my part?"
Thursday, July 07, 2005
July 7th, 2005
Wow. I was at work all day, delivering, and no one mentioned the London bombings. I heard briefly about it in class, then my aunt called me. It wasn't until I finally got home tonight and turned on CNN that it hit me. I am a little disappointed that the Americans don't seem to care as much, at least the ones I was around all day, about what happened in London. I would be willing to be the British felt very deeply for the Americans on September 11. I got the same sense of dread when I turned on CNN tonight that I got that day 3 and a half years ago. To me, London wasn't in another country. It was part of the same fight. And in retrospect what happened in Madrid a year ago was in the same boat as well. How did we all ignore it? I didn't even remember it happened until an anchor talked about it.
My aunt tried to use the example of London to get me to stand behind Bush. I admit Blair came off really well today, and I have to respect him. Bush even said some of the right things today. But I don't respect Bush. As I tried to say to my aunt, yes, I agree, we need to stop the terrorism. But being in Iraq doesn't help it one bit! I was not surprised at all to hear about London, not like I was shocked about New York. I guess London has always suffered, and it's something we Americans don't keep in mind as much. I admire the Britains quite a bit. The more I learn about history, the more I think Americans were just arrogant assholes in 1776, but that's past and Britain forgave us and we're all good friends. I am so happy London got the 2012 Olympics. They deserve it. And the bombings won't affect that at all. The British didn't stop their lives today. They kept right on going. They weathered it, as they always do, to the best of the ability. I admire them for it and my heart goes out to everyone affected. Let's keep 7/7 in our memories the way we keep 9/11. It's all the same battle, and we're on the same side.
I have been a bit obsessed in the last four years with the future of global government. I do believe we're rapidly globalizing, and I want to tell myself the days of world wars are over and we just have to deal with random and senseless terrorist attacks. But are they? As we rapidly move towards a one-world governing system, as I believe we are and always have been meant to do, will it all blow up in our faces, or will we achieve it? And if it happens, will it be as horrible as 1984 or other futuristic novels, or will it truly be a utopia? Or is the bible right, and will God not give us a chance to find out? I believe in God, but I think the bible is flawed and I hope we'll be ok.
None. Remember the British
My aunt tried to use the example of London to get me to stand behind Bush. I admit Blair came off really well today, and I have to respect him. Bush even said some of the right things today. But I don't respect Bush. As I tried to say to my aunt, yes, I agree, we need to stop the terrorism. But being in Iraq doesn't help it one bit! I was not surprised at all to hear about London, not like I was shocked about New York. I guess London has always suffered, and it's something we Americans don't keep in mind as much. I admire the Britains quite a bit. The more I learn about history, the more I think Americans were just arrogant assholes in 1776, but that's past and Britain forgave us and we're all good friends. I am so happy London got the 2012 Olympics. They deserve it. And the bombings won't affect that at all. The British didn't stop their lives today. They kept right on going. They weathered it, as they always do, to the best of the ability. I admire them for it and my heart goes out to everyone affected. Let's keep 7/7 in our memories the way we keep 9/11. It's all the same battle, and we're on the same side.
I have been a bit obsessed in the last four years with the future of global government. I do believe we're rapidly globalizing, and I want to tell myself the days of world wars are over and we just have to deal with random and senseless terrorist attacks. But are they? As we rapidly move towards a one-world governing system, as I believe we are and always have been meant to do, will it all blow up in our faces, or will we achieve it? And if it happens, will it be as horrible as 1984 or other futuristic novels, or will it truly be a utopia? Or is the bible right, and will God not give us a chance to find out? I believe in God, but I think the bible is flawed and I hope we'll be ok.
None. Remember the British
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
America's Birthday
I used to revel in Fourth of July. It was my favorite holiday for awhile. Now I am so ashamed of my country's leaders, and the people that put them in office, and how we are portrayed to the world, that I can hardly drudge up an enthusiasm. I feel very sad at that loss. Hopefully it will not be permanent. Still, family parties were fun, Red, White, & BOOM! was good, and spending the 4th and 5th in a surprisingly uncrowded Cedar Point with Jonathan was a blast. Front seat rides on the Dragster, Millenium Force, Raptor, and Magum were the highlights. 3 trips on the Force and 5 on the Magnum. What a trip! Too bad our hotel was a bit seedy. But now I am home and exhausted. Hope everyone is well. Talk to you later!
"MEET THE FUCKERS" ~ Seen on a t-shirt at the Point with Bush and Cheney waving below :)
"MEET THE FUCKERS" ~ Seen on a t-shirt at the Point with Bush and Cheney waving below :)
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Oregon Trail
Last Saturday, as Lisa wrote about in her blog, her, Jonathan, and I had a ball on Oregon Trail. I found the old old school version on the internet, for the Apple, and an emulator to run it on my computer, so I played it today. First of all, hunting was a lot harder. Trees got in your way and you couldn't really move. It sucked. And you could only keep 100 pounds of food, instead of the 200 on Jonathan's newer version. And you had a very short time limit to hunt. Also things were more random. For instance, everyone was in good health and nothing was going wrong, and then Jonathan broke his arm and died two days later, it didn't say how he died. The arm? Sadie drowned a week later in a 6 foot deep river as we were floating. I wanted to be a doctor, but in the old game that wasn't an option. At least I kept finding abandoned wagons, but they never had any food in them. Then the end where you floated down the river was really hard and had confusing controls, plus you had to land yourself, it didn't stop for you. So Lisa (with a broken arm), Michael (with chlorea), and I (without any injuries or diseases the entire game) made it to Oregon. Yay! Ok, so it was just me by myself, but hey, whatever. :) And since I downloaded it, I could to look at people I didn't know's graves.
~Oregon Trail
~Oregon Trail
Monday, June 27, 2005
June Part II
I am so sorry that I have not updated much this month. Only twice in fact. And I doubt I will update again in June. I am almost turning into Jonathan! :) Things have just been hectic, and as I don't have my own place or own internet connection, I will be infrequent for the next month, maybe two, so don't expect lots more posts. July and maybe August will probably be just as sad. I say that for August because even though I am hoping to find a place by then, I will be working, filming a movie, and moving in, so don't expect too much. Anyway, here are some highlights of the last few weeks:
*House sitting at my aunt and uncle's ROCKS!!!
*Felicity makes me cry. Thanks a lot Lisa. It's worse than Dawson's Creek. Or better. Whatever. Weiss is great and I love Amy Jo, the Pink Ranger.
*Hanging out with my older sister, whom I have had very infrequent contact with in my life and none at all in the last four years. It was awesome. I think the infrequent thing is gonna change. Major coolness.
*Finding out I am eligibile to substitute next year! I am gonna try Westerville, Pickerington, Grove Port, and West Jeff for now. We'll see how it all goes.
*Thanks for everyoe who has come and visited me: Amanda and Adam (lots of great Buffy nights), Jon, Brandon, Nick, Sabra, Andrea, Jnel, Krystina, Liz, Travis.
*Video games with Jonathan and Lisa last thursday. OREGON TRAIL!! Haha, you two died of measels! I overcame my dysentary! and I now really want to keep playing Resident Evil. Sorry, Jonathan, about Mario Party. I seriously doubt it will ever happen again.
*Team America ROCKS!!!
*Tune into the new seasons of Family Guy & Reno 9-1-1!
Ok, enough, see you all later! Give me a call or e-mail me you out of towners!
"We are blameless! We've given him two types of fruit!" ~ Jon Stewart on The Daily Show talking about Bush
*House sitting at my aunt and uncle's ROCKS!!!
*Felicity makes me cry. Thanks a lot Lisa. It's worse than Dawson's Creek. Or better. Whatever. Weiss is great and I love Amy Jo, the Pink Ranger.
*Hanging out with my older sister, whom I have had very infrequent contact with in my life and none at all in the last four years. It was awesome. I think the infrequent thing is gonna change. Major coolness.
*Finding out I am eligibile to substitute next year! I am gonna try Westerville, Pickerington, Grove Port, and West Jeff for now. We'll see how it all goes.
*Thanks for everyoe who has come and visited me: Amanda and Adam (lots of great Buffy nights), Jon, Brandon, Nick, Sabra, Andrea, Jnel, Krystina, Liz, Travis.
*Video games with Jonathan and Lisa last thursday. OREGON TRAIL!! Haha, you two died of measels! I overcame my dysentary! and I now really want to keep playing Resident Evil. Sorry, Jonathan, about Mario Party. I seriously doubt it will ever happen again.
*Team America ROCKS!!!
*Tune into the new seasons of Family Guy & Reno 9-1-1!
Ok, enough, see you all later! Give me a call or e-mail me you out of towners!
"We are blameless! We've given him two types of fruit!" ~ Jon Stewart on The Daily Show talking about Bush
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I apologize for only doing 9 entries last month as opposed to my self-requried 10. I also haven't done any this month and it is already the twelth. I have a good excuse. I was supposed to be writing about college memories and graduation. I didn't want to, and every time I sat down to do a blog, that's what I was trying to do. I don't want to relive my college memories. Freshmen and most of sophomore year were great, as well as parts of this year. The end of sophomore year and junior year, and other parts of this year sucked ass. My life was still perfectly on track until the end of Sophomore year, and then it collapsed and never recovered. To illustrate this, here is how today's entry should have gone, had things continued going well after Sophomore Year:
I graduated today with a degree in Music Education! Yay! I have a job teaching a high school band and I am really looking forward to it. My book is published and the profits I'm starting to make are putting an excellent dent in my college loans. I can't wait for my wedding this fall. Things are going great!
Instead, this is how it is:
My graduation today was a joke because I haven't finished my final class yet and I'm getting a degree in something I couldn't care less about. I should have just blown off the ceremony because it meant nothing and all it did was depress me. I want to finish my book, but I haven't had time because I am still struggling to make ends meet with my dead-end pizza job, and my college degree won't help me attain any better work. Plus I have a zillion college loans. Oh, and I haven't been in a relationship for two years.
No you see why I may be a little bitter? It was hard to shake those professors hands, professors that I look up to (Chivington, Boehm, Tirey, Zilincik, Barkhymer) and accept their congratlations gracefully because I feel the last four years have accomplished nothing. They have been an utter waste of my time. I am sorry I skipped graduation parties today I should be attending. Congrads to those who have their lives on track. I am gonna zone out in front of the tv and sip daquiris.
"And he got the rock to the top...and it fell back down again." ~Jason Carney, OC class of '05, today's commencement address
I graduated today with a degree in Music Education! Yay! I have a job teaching a high school band and I am really looking forward to it. My book is published and the profits I'm starting to make are putting an excellent dent in my college loans. I can't wait for my wedding this fall. Things are going great!
Instead, this is how it is:
My graduation today was a joke because I haven't finished my final class yet and I'm getting a degree in something I couldn't care less about. I should have just blown off the ceremony because it meant nothing and all it did was depress me. I want to finish my book, but I haven't had time because I am still struggling to make ends meet with my dead-end pizza job, and my college degree won't help me attain any better work. Plus I have a zillion college loans. Oh, and I haven't been in a relationship for two years.
No you see why I may be a little bitter? It was hard to shake those professors hands, professors that I look up to (Chivington, Boehm, Tirey, Zilincik, Barkhymer) and accept their congratlations gracefully because I feel the last four years have accomplished nothing. They have been an utter waste of my time. I am sorry I skipped graduation parties today I should be attending. Congrads to those who have their lives on track. I am gonna zone out in front of the tv and sip daquiris.
"And he got the rock to the top...and it fell back down again." ~Jason Carney, OC class of '05, today's commencement address
Monday, May 30, 2005
Quick Note
I would love to catch you all up, but I'm exhausted and busy. Still, I need an entry today and tomorrow to hit my quota of 10 for the month of May. This will be quick. I am glad my recent Star Wars post has opened some debate. I am sorry that not everyone holds Deep Space 9 in the same regard that I do, but I think if you gave it a fair chance, you would at least understand and respect my awe for the show. That is all I will say on the subject, so I'm considering the debate closed. Live long and prosper. :)
"I saved billions of lives, and all it worst cost was the lives of a couple of lousy senators and the dignity of one Starfleet captain. And the worst part is, I think I can live with myself for it. If I had to do it all over again, I would." ~ Capt. Ben Sisko, ST: DS9, "In The Pale Moonlight"
"I saved billions of lives, and all it worst cost was the lives of a couple of lousy senators and the dignity of one Starfleet captain. And the worst part is, I think I can live with myself for it. If I had to do it all over again, I would." ~ Capt. Ben Sisko, ST: DS9, "In The Pale Moonlight"
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Who Has It Better: Al Bundy or Darth Vader?
My friend Jnel and I were talking on the way back from Star Wars at 3am this morning and I decided Darth Vadr had a horrible life. His penis was burned off so no sex, he certainly couldn't imbibe alcohol through those little slits, and he was in constant pain. Celebacy, enforced soberness, and pain. Sounds like marriage. I'm just kidding. It sounds like the stereotypical marriage. I would never gets trapped in one of those. Intentionally. Must be hell. Poor Darth. Anyway, to defend my honor and prove I'm not a loser Star Wars fan, cause honestly I don't consider myself a Star Wars fan at all, I present the Top Ten reasons Star Trek is better than Star Wars. And I didn't eve mention whiny characters, Jar Jar Binks, and a black man's voice put onto a British guy's body) You just can't be equal fans of both, and honestly Star Trek is the smarter and better established franchise.
10. Screen Time (ST - 600+ episodes, 10 movies / SW - 6 movies, no more than 3 more)
9. Titles (Come on! "Revenge of the Sith"? Boring! How about "First Contact", "Badda Bing-Badda Bang", "Trials & Tribleations", "What You Leave Behind" I could go on)
8. Ships (ST - cool, sleek, polished / SW - rag tag crap that looks way too big to fly or be practical at all, all crowding the screen and rushing by faster than any human could comprehend)
7. Hairdos (Shatner's toupe at least looks real. Padme reminds me of Marie Antoinette)
6. Aliens (Klingons and Borg are way cooler than those spiny things or wookies)
5. Message (ST is about something, it's satire. SW is just shoot-em-up)
4. Characters (ST I actually care what happens. In SW I didn't tear up for a single death)
3. Weapons (Phasers are way more effective than light sabers)
2. Time Period (A long time ago and a galaxy far away? With humans. Yeah right)
1. Deep Space 9 (the worst DS9 episode is better than the best SW movie)
"Why you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf herder!" ~ Princess Leia to Han
10. Screen Time (ST - 600+ episodes, 10 movies / SW - 6 movies, no more than 3 more)
9. Titles (Come on! "Revenge of the Sith"? Boring! How about "First Contact", "Badda Bing-Badda Bang", "Trials & Tribleations", "What You Leave Behind" I could go on)
8. Ships (ST - cool, sleek, polished / SW - rag tag crap that looks way too big to fly or be practical at all, all crowding the screen and rushing by faster than any human could comprehend)
7. Hairdos (Shatner's toupe at least looks real. Padme reminds me of Marie Antoinette)
6. Aliens (Klingons and Borg are way cooler than those spiny things or wookies)
5. Message (ST is about something, it's satire. SW is just shoot-em-up)
4. Characters (ST I actually care what happens. In SW I didn't tear up for a single death)
3. Weapons (Phasers are way more effective than light sabers)
2. Time Period (A long time ago and a galaxy far away? With humans. Yeah right)
1. Deep Space 9 (the worst DS9 episode is better than the best SW movie)
"Why you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf herder!" ~ Princess Leia to Han
Monday, May 16, 2005
Dreams are funny things. I had a dream last night about a girl that seemed familiar, and yet I had no idea who she was. In my dream, she asked me out, and we were soon boyfriend and girlfriend. I woke up feeling disoriented because it just seemed like I should know who she was, and yet I didn't. I wasn't sure I'd ever seen her before in my life. Until I walked out of Japan class this afternoon and saw her in Towers. It was totally freaky. I think I must have seen her before and then my subconscious just decided to throw the image back out. Yet I'm not sure. She isn't even the type of girl I would normally go for, and yet she is strangely attractive. Hmm. I don't know. Maybe I just need a nap. :)
On another note, declared Actor's Nightmare: Book One done on Saturday, had a nice copy printed out at Kinko's, and then changed my mind this afternoon. I think I am gonna do one more proofread and draft. Then it will be done. Seriously.
"You have weird friends."
"News from the file makrer 'duh.'" ~ Richard and Xander, Buffy "Older and Far Away"
On another note, declared Actor's Nightmare: Book One done on Saturday, had a nice copy printed out at Kinko's, and then changed my mind this afternoon. I think I am gonna do one more proofread and draft. Then it will be done. Seriously.
"You have weird friends."
"News from the file makrer 'duh.'" ~ Richard and Xander, Buffy "Older and Far Away"
Friday, May 13, 2005
These Are The Voyages
The finale of Star Trek: Enterprise aired tonight. The last new Trek show in production. Next season will be the first time in 18 years Star Trek has not aired at least one new season. Often there has been two series airing simultaneously. The episode was odd to say the least. For one thing, it is the first finale since the original series, which didn't really have a finale, to only be an hour long. Second, it was a Next Generation episode. Let me explain. The finale was basically set during a Next Generation episode from the 7th and final season of that show called "The Pegasus". The episode aired in 1994. They recreated many of the sets - the holodeck, the hallways, Troi's quarters, even Ten Forward. These were sets they destroyed in a 1994 motion picture when this ship blew up. It was wonderful except Riker and Troi definitely look ten years older, try as they might to make them not. They tied it in with voice overs from Brent Spiner (Data) and Patrick Stewart (Picard) relating to events in that episode. Anyway, the first officer, William Riker, was faced with a difficult decision in that episode. Troi, the counselor, encourages him to access the holodeck program of the Enterprise NX-01's final voyage. This means Riker is watching the events that happened about 200 years before his time. The Enterprise events are set six years after the previous Enterprise episode so we get to see those characters older and what has become of them. They are about to mothball the ship, and at the same time the UFP is being formed. They take a nice little excursion on their way home with recurring character Shran (Jeffrey Combs, who also played Bunt and Weyoun on Deep Space 9 as well as appearing as Shran in numerous episodes of Enterprise). We find out they think Shran died three years ago. This would be interesting to explore if Sci-Fi picks the series back up, as it is considering. Anyway, Riker has alone time with each member of the crew by replacing their Chef, who basically served as their counselor. They throw in references when one of the Enterprise characters says "all good things..." (the title of The Next Generation's finale) and Archer talks about a "next generation." In the end, the chief engineer Trip Tucker has to decide to disobey his captain and sacrifice himself to save the ship. Trip is the most interesting and popular character on Enterprise and watching his death was painful. It helps Riker make the decision he made 11 years ago when "The Pegasus" first aired. After Trip's death, they show a scene that happened earlier when Riker had his chef session with him, something omitted during the episode until the end. Riker gets some last advice, then end the program before the UFP signing. I as initally mad as The Next Generation music swelled and the Enterprise NCC-1701-D took off into space until Patrick Stewart's droning "Space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission..." The suddenly the view shifted to the Enterprise NCC-1701, the ship featured in the original show and William Shatner's voice clip from the sixties continued the monologue. "...to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations..." Finally the NX-01 appeared with Scott Bakula (Captain Archer's voice) finishing "...to bodly go where no man has gone before." The monologue used throughout Star Trek history. I got chils. It was the perfect ending as the credits rolled. I am torn between wanting to see the intervening six years on the sci-fi channel and letting Star Trek rest...at least for a year or two until it premieres the sixth television show and the 11th motion picture. Or next year if Sci-fi picks up Enterprise. Live long and prosper, Star Trek!
Qops! (Enterprise quotes from the main and major recurring characters)
"Malcolm's got this rule; you have to be taller than a gun to use it." ~ Trip about Reed
"If I'm not mistaken, they are preparing to mate. Do you think they might let me watch?" ~Dr. Phlox
"And one thing I can tell you is that at warp one point eight, you've got a lot of time on your hands between ports. That's how my parents wound up with me."
"Do you have any helpful information on this vessel beyond its recreational activities?" ~ Travis and T'Pol
"He's a Klingot.
"A Klingon."
"Where'd he come from?"
"Oklahoma." ~ Admiral Leonard, Tos, Captain Archer, Commander Williams
"Someone hasn't been taking very good care of my engines."
"Speak with the Klingons." ~ Trip and T'Pol
"I'm a translator. I didn't come out here to see corpses hanging on hooks."
"It goes without saying that you're going to encounter the unexpected."
"Not corpses on hooks. " ~ Hoshi and Dr. Phlox
"Captain Archer, your presence on this mission has not been... unduly burdensome."
"I think he likes you, pink-skin." ~ Soval and Shran
"Where did you put those phase pistols?"
"You're going to shoot a bug?"
"I'm just going to stun it." ~ Trip and Reed
"You son of a bitch!"
"Actually, mother was a chemist." ~Dr. Lucas and Dr. Soong
"Captain, this may surprise you, but I agree." ~ T'Pol
"You know that you and cheddar don't get along." ~ Archer to his cheese-loving beagle, Porthos
Qops! (Enterprise quotes from the main and major recurring characters)
"Malcolm's got this rule; you have to be taller than a gun to use it." ~ Trip about Reed
"If I'm not mistaken, they are preparing to mate. Do you think they might let me watch?" ~Dr. Phlox
"And one thing I can tell you is that at warp one point eight, you've got a lot of time on your hands between ports. That's how my parents wound up with me."
"Do you have any helpful information on this vessel beyond its recreational activities?" ~ Travis and T'Pol
"He's a Klingot.
"A Klingon."
"Where'd he come from?"
"Oklahoma." ~ Admiral Leonard, Tos, Captain Archer, Commander Williams
"Someone hasn't been taking very good care of my engines."
"Speak with the Klingons." ~ Trip and T'Pol
"I'm a translator. I didn't come out here to see corpses hanging on hooks."
"It goes without saying that you're going to encounter the unexpected."
"Not corpses on hooks. " ~ Hoshi and Dr. Phlox
"Captain Archer, your presence on this mission has not been... unduly burdensome."
"I think he likes you, pink-skin." ~ Soval and Shran
"Where did you put those phase pistols?"
"You're going to shoot a bug?"
"I'm just going to stun it." ~ Trip and Reed
"You son of a bitch!"
"Actually, mother was a chemist." ~Dr. Lucas and Dr. Soong
"Captain, this may surprise you, but I agree." ~ T'Pol
"You know that you and cheddar don't get along." ~ Archer to his cheese-loving beagle, Porthos
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