Friday, August 19, 2005

Steppin' Out

Okay, this is Nick. I just wanna say, that it's my party, so we don't give a mutha fuck it's my birthday.

Just kidding. Well, I give a fuck, but you know what I mean.

I just wanted to come on here, cos me and Jimmy are gonna go out and tear this mutha fucker off. Booyah.

Okay, Jimmy is sitting, er standing with a Smirnoff, impersonating Sean Connery and his mom, and having a good time. Of course, arguging, actually having an intelectual conversation regarding that I did not clarify who's mom, even though, I stated, being this is Nick typing, "his mom." Now we are talking about pronouns, and I- Jesus Christ my head is spinning.

Okay, and now he is going on about Orgazmo. Jesus and I love you Joe. Well, that's nice, but we'll all have to answer to Jesus, that fairy.

I'm not going to hell though, but a happy place. A special place. Full of special people. With a good fairy named Jesus, gives me lemonade, freshly squeezed, shaken, not stirred. And dear God, this IS the weirdest blog I've written.

And to clarify, I can talk about me and J.C. cos we down and shit. You dig? w0rd mutha fucker.

Okay, seriously though, admist the giggles and weird typings, and Jimmy FINALLY realizing I am typing this on his blog, we are going out to Arlington Cafe to see Joey Blayze. Check it out y'all y'all check it out!

Signing off,

Nick (and an already on his way there with 1 Smirnoff Jimmy)

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