Monday, June 27, 2005

June Part II

I am so sorry that I have not updated much this month. Only twice in fact. And I doubt I will update again in June. I am almost turning into Jonathan! :) Things have just been hectic, and as I don't have my own place or own internet connection, I will be infrequent for the next month, maybe two, so don't expect lots more posts. July and maybe August will probably be just as sad. I say that for August because even though I am hoping to find a place by then, I will be working, filming a movie, and moving in, so don't expect too much. Anyway, here are some highlights of the last few weeks:
*House sitting at my aunt and uncle's ROCKS!!!
*Felicity makes me cry. Thanks a lot Lisa. It's worse than Dawson's Creek. Or better. Whatever. Weiss is great and I love Amy Jo, the Pink Ranger.
*Hanging out with my older sister, whom I have had very infrequent contact with in my life and none at all in the last four years. It was awesome. I think the infrequent thing is gonna change. Major coolness.
*Finding out I am eligibile to substitute next year! I am gonna try Westerville, Pickerington, Grove Port, and West Jeff for now. We'll see how it all goes.
*Thanks for everyoe who has come and visited me: Amanda and Adam (lots of great Buffy nights), Jon, Brandon, Nick, Sabra, Andrea, Jnel, Krystina, Liz, Travis.
*Video games with Jonathan and Lisa last thursday. OREGON TRAIL!! Haha, you two died of measels! I overcame my dysentary! and I now really want to keep playing Resident Evil. Sorry, Jonathan, about Mario Party. I seriously doubt it will ever happen again.
*Team America ROCKS!!!
*Tune into the new seasons of Family Guy & Reno 9-1-1!

Ok, enough, see you all later! Give me a call or e-mail me you out of towners!

"We are blameless! We've given him two types of fruit!" ~ Jon Stewart on The Daily Show talking about Bush

Sunday, June 12, 2005


I apologize for only doing 9 entries last month as opposed to my self-requried 10. I also haven't done any this month and it is already the twelth. I have a good excuse. I was supposed to be writing about college memories and graduation. I didn't want to, and every time I sat down to do a blog, that's what I was trying to do. I don't want to relive my college memories. Freshmen and most of sophomore year were great, as well as parts of this year. The end of sophomore year and junior year, and other parts of this year sucked ass. My life was still perfectly on track until the end of Sophomore year, and then it collapsed and never recovered. To illustrate this, here is how today's entry should have gone, had things continued going well after Sophomore Year:
I graduated today with a degree in Music Education! Yay! I have a job teaching a high school band and I am really looking forward to it. My book is published and the profits I'm starting to make are putting an excellent dent in my college loans. I can't wait for my wedding this fall. Things are going great!
Instead, this is how it is:
My graduation today was a joke because I haven't finished my final class yet and I'm getting a degree in something I couldn't care less about. I should have just blown off the ceremony because it meant nothing and all it did was depress me. I want to finish my book, but I haven't had time because I am still struggling to make ends meet with my dead-end pizza job, and my college degree won't help me attain any better work. Plus I have a zillion college loans. Oh, and I haven't been in a relationship for two years.
No you see why I may be a little bitter? It was hard to shake those professors hands, professors that I look up to (Chivington, Boehm, Tirey, Zilincik, Barkhymer) and accept their congratlations gracefully because I feel the last four years have accomplished nothing. They have been an utter waste of my time. I am sorry I skipped graduation parties today I should be attending. Congrads to those who have their lives on track. I am gonna zone out in front of the tv and sip daquiris.

"And he got the rock to the top...and it fell back down again." ~Jason Carney, OC class of '05, today's commencement address