Thursday, July 07, 2005

July 7th, 2005

Wow. I was at work all day, delivering, and no one mentioned the London bombings. I heard briefly about it in class, then my aunt called me. It wasn't until I finally got home tonight and turned on CNN that it hit me. I am a little disappointed that the Americans don't seem to care as much, at least the ones I was around all day, about what happened in London. I would be willing to be the British felt very deeply for the Americans on September 11. I got the same sense of dread when I turned on CNN tonight that I got that day 3 and a half years ago. To me, London wasn't in another country. It was part of the same fight. And in retrospect what happened in Madrid a year ago was in the same boat as well. How did we all ignore it? I didn't even remember it happened until an anchor talked about it.

My aunt tried to use the example of London to get me to stand behind Bush. I admit Blair came off really well today, and I have to respect him. Bush even said some of the right things today. But I don't respect Bush. As I tried to say to my aunt, yes, I agree, we need to stop the terrorism. But being in Iraq doesn't help it one bit! I was not surprised at all to hear about London, not like I was shocked about New York. I guess London has always suffered, and it's something we Americans don't keep in mind as much. I admire the Britains quite a bit. The more I learn about history, the more I think Americans were just arrogant assholes in 1776, but that's past and Britain forgave us and we're all good friends. I am so happy London got the 2012 Olympics. They deserve it. And the bombings won't affect that at all. The British didn't stop their lives today. They kept right on going. They weathered it, as they always do, to the best of the ability. I admire them for it and my heart goes out to everyone affected. Let's keep 7/7 in our memories the way we keep 9/11. It's all the same battle, and we're on the same side.

I have been a bit obsessed in the last four years with the future of global government. I do believe we're rapidly globalizing, and I want to tell myself the days of world wars are over and we just have to deal with random and senseless terrorist attacks. But are they? As we rapidly move towards a one-world governing system, as I believe we are and always have been meant to do, will it all blow up in our faces, or will we achieve it? And if it happens, will it be as horrible as 1984 or other futuristic novels, or will it truly be a utopia? Or is the bible right, and will God not give us a chance to find out? I believe in God, but I think the bible is flawed and I hope we'll be ok.

None. Remember the British

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