Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Up Late

These Steak N Shake hours have me so screwed up. I am up until 4am or later every night and it seems normal. Then I sleep until noon. When I started subbing I'm going to have to change my hours. Now it's like 4:20 and I'm wide awake. Of course, I've only been home for 15 minutes. I think a shower and bed might be nice, although I really want to work on my book. The second one. I have been doing a lot of work on it. For those of you who buy my first one and enjoy it, don't worry. The second one will be ready by this time next year, although probably sooner, but I may not try to publish it until I get the first one out for awhile. But the first one ends on a real cliffhanger, so... Ah, well. Anyway, after several days and zero votes, here are my winners:
Best Guest Star: Rupert, even though I do love Christine more.
Cancelled First: Freddie, although Night Stalker will be close behind.
Old Series Cancelled: Joey, and I'll cry. Majorly.
Best New: Ghost Whisperer. Seriously.
Worst: Invasion, although I am tempted to put Chris because it's getting a lot more credit than it deserves. Definitely overhyped. It's good, but not that good.
Best New Actor: Neil Patrick Harris, but Brent and Rob are close behind.
Best New Actress: Stockard, although it was very tough to pick this one.
Best Theme: Reunion
Best Animated / Variety: Daily Show
Show Deserved Mention: Kitchen Confidential, of course!

"Two gay parents! That's every kid's dream!" ~ Jack on Will & Grace, upon finding out that Elliot's mom, played by Rosie, is a lesbo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is this supposal Pauly Shore story your Away Msg said to check out here on the blog?