Tuesday, November 02, 2004

November 2, 2004

Sorry, couldn't think of a more creative title. About Jenn's comment to my last post, I'm sorry if my bringing up politics this fall has offended you, but I only bring issues I feel very, very strongly about. To Jonathan's new headline in his blog about winning my award, thanks for mentioning it! That's cool. I already got back from the voting booth. West Jeff's wait was nothing. I was in and out in 5 minutes. Of course, since I forget to change my registration to Franklin County, I didn't get to vote on Issue 106 or 12 or anything cool like that. Sorry Erin. I did get to put in my vote for John Kerry (Nadar made the ballot. Interesting.), a solid no on Issue 1, and yes on keeping the good ol' WJ post office (why is that even an issue?). Other than that, there were a bunch of minor Madison County office to vote for with only one candidate. Now, tell me if I'm just stupid, but why even be on the ballot if there isn't a choice? Anyway, the best part of last night was watching the SNL Presidential Debate Bash (and it was a bash!). I loved when Clinton let us all know that he felt our pain and sadness that he was not on the ballot this year, Kerry's refusal to quit speaking because he can't, Bush's three step program (Phase 2: lull the terrorists into a false sense of security and confidentthey are winning. Phase 3: Um, work hard. Work Saturdays if we have to. We will beat the terrorists by coming on on Saturdays. We're still working on it.) Then that was followed by Jon Stewart and the Daily Show's coverage. Did you know Florida reinstated slavery last night in a deseparte attempt to be the worst state in this year's election ("From a state worse than Ohio...") Of course, the Ohio reporter did plenty to muck it up themselves. Anyway, now to sit back and watch Kerry win...I hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wasn't being mean, I was just joking with you. You're better than most people when it comes to talking about politics. I'm just tired of the people who are being arrogent and mean about it. From both sides. I'll be happy when tomorrow comes and we (hopefully) know. -J