Monday, November 01, 2004

Election Day

So tomorrow is November 2, 2004. Election Day. Only one candidate will win. Latest polls for electoral votes show Kerry in the lead by 67 votes, with 9 (New Mexico & New Hamsphire) left undecided. There were only a few votes listed as barely Bush, but 68 (Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida) are barely Kerry. Hmmm. I'm as anxious for Kerry to win Ohio as the entire presidency. Both candidates of course spent the last campaign day in Ohio. Today's manager meeting for my company decided to talk about the election. My bosses are very strong Bush supporters. They wanted to have a 'non-bias, non-arguing' debate. I think everyone was scared to go against them. It was them and 1-2 other people talking about Bush and every once in awhile them letting me something about Kerry. They also did some Kerry-bashing. Now I like my bosses and I don't believe they intentionally turned the conversation into a one-sided bash-fast. I think that part was accidental. Personally, I think it would be smart not to talk politics at all, but I understand the reason behind it. Oh, well. I just hope they didn't sway anyone.

Re-defeat Bush! Vote John Kerry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you? not talk politics???? never ........ (note sarcasm)....... Jenn