Friday, October 29, 2004

Am I Missing Anything?

After watching several more episodes of Dawson's Creek, and thinking about other similiar shows and movies, I have to wonder, did I miss a major part of my life? For instance, I don't feel I had a "first love" who I will always love. I've fallen in love twice, both in college, and neither lasted, and only one is friendly, although I don't speak to her much. The other isn't even civil, despite efforts at an olive branch. But I gave that up awhile ago. But anyway, back to the point. I missed all the high school romance. I had a couple of crushes, but only one I thought may have been interested back, until I found out she liked girls. I don't have that solid 'group' of friends either. I have friends with varying degrees of closeness, but who do I share everything with? Who do I go to when I'm upset? There isn't one person or a group of persons. It is someone different every time, or more often no one. I crave that 'friend group'. I've drifted in and out of a couple over the years, but never was fully accepted. Am I missing important parts of my life? Or is this normal and I just don't want to believe it is because I want my life to be more like tv? Hmm. Isolation strikes again. Am I antisocial? I don't want to be. I love being social.

BTW, this is much more an introspective entry than a depressed entry, so please don't worry or leave comments telling me not to worry about it. I appreciate the sentiment, but that's not what I'm looking for right now.

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