WAIVER: If I offend anyone with this entry, I don't apologize. These are issues I feel strongly about and because of amendment number one in our bill of rights, I have every right to express them. If you don't want to hear them, don't read this entry.
So Kerry gave his concession speech today. I heard it, and I was even more impressed with him than I already was. He did what was best for the American people and didn't drag it out for a month like those idiot Republicans did in 2000. He showed a lot of class. People have called him a flip-flopper, but I think he just wants what's best for our country. He has to do his best to represent the people, and the people often change their minds. He just tried to serve our country the best he can. I do have to admit Bush actually won this election. Granted, he lost the last one and so should have never been up for re-election, but this time he barely pulled it off. But what tactics did he use? A lot of people I know didn't like him, but voted for him because they didn't want to change presidents in the middle of 'a war'. Yeah. A war he created to a. make himself money, b. be like his daddy, and c. get himself re-elected because he wouldn't hav had we not been in this stupid war. What I fear the most is after four more years of syaing 'fuck you' to the rest of the world, as Bush's foreign policy seems to be, are we ever going to recover foreign relations? We're moving towards a global society pretty rapidly. We don't need a president who doesn't see that and won't participate in that in the slightest. Basically what I'm sayng is I will be wearing my "Not My President" button for the next four years. Why don't Americans get some sense and listen to true patriots like Michael Moore who actually care about more than the money in their pocket and riding on their father's coattails?
Now onto another issue in the election. Oh, before I get into that, shame on all you heartless bastards who voted to defeat school levys! Kids need that money! Our schools, especially in Ohio, suck! Now, Issue 1. I am so hugely disappointed that we passed it with 61% that I want to leave the state. Except there were 11 states this year with similiar laws, and 61% was one of the low numbers. How can we have regressed this far? We just spent the last century fighting for civil rights. This is a huge step backwards. Not letting gays get married? Why don't we take away women's rights to vote and make black people sit on the back of the bus? I'm not kidding. If we're going to be so narrow-minded and discriminatory, when does it stop? I've heard the argument that it's not natural. It's a disease or caused by molestation as a child. That is total bullshit. Do you know how many gay people are in the world? 10% of our population. That is a huge number. Tell me a disability or disease that affects 10% of people. You know what else 10% of our population is? Left handed. Let's not let left handed people get married because it's unnatural. Actually, only 10% of the world's population is Caucasian. Let's repress ourselves because we're a minority. The other argument I often here is that it's against biblical ideas. Again, I say bullshit. God created gay people just like he created everyone else. Are you saying God screwed up when He did that? That's just stupid. It has been pointed out that once or twice in the bible it mentions something negative about gays. I've got news for you people. The bible is flawed. Yes, it is wonderful and is based on great ideas and values. But it was written by men. Men are flawed. The bible is also sexist and racist. Let's be sexist and racist because the bible is! Everything changes. Something that was relevant 2000 years ago and has not been updated is bound to have some mistakes in it. We are finally living in a world where some gay people feel it's safe to come out. Support gay right and don't make us take a step backwards.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
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Wow Jim- nobody can say you aren't strong in your convictions. I agree with you, and I get that you're angry-we all are-but I only hope we can make it through these next four years without having to be so angry. Anyway-rock on.
"Now, Issue 1. I am so hugely disappointed that we passed it with 61% that I want to leave the state. Except there were 11 states this year with similar laws, and 61% was one of the low numbers. How can we have regressed this far? We just spent the last century fighting for civil rights. This is a huge step backwards. Not letting gays get married? Why don't we take away women's rights to vote and make black people sit on the back of the bus? "
Jim: marriage is not a civil right, it is an institution. Civil marriage is like getting a driver's license, or running for state office, or joining the priesthood, or graduating from high school. It is not a right. Rights are things that governments by definition can't grant, or remove. The decision here is that the government has decided that "marriage" means what it has meant or the past 10,000 years: one man and one woman. This is like the "my little black child should be able to play Abraham Lincoln in the School play" scenario. Well, no, he shouldn't, Abe was white, but he should be allowed to be in the play as another character, or that would be discrimination. But even then, being discriminated against is not a violation of civil rights unless you are discriminated against in the matter of a "right" which playing Abe Lincoln, is not one. In the "civil rights movement", black people were actually having their rights violated, not just being discriminated against, and not just being excluded from programs and benefits based on some minority status.
So, if you feel that the Government should extend tax breaks and the like to gay people because they are in a committed relationship in one house, ok, fine, fight for that then, but let's not get out of hand in calling this the new slavery.
Oh, and don't worry about Bush going all crazy because this is his last term. The Party would never let him. They would impeach him before they let him ruin the name of the Republican Party for them in the future. So, rest easy.
And on the Bible is flawed stuff...I'll just leave that alone.
Oh, I didn't realize that I should have voted based only on a candidate's foreign policy stances. I guess domestic policy and other issues shouldn't affect my choice of president.
It may make me a bad person, but I'm more concerned about what the president will do in and for America than what he will do for France and England. That's not to say that I'm not concerned about global issues, but right now I'm worried about America (and that includes the war-I'm just focused more on the American end of things).
Hello "french in London". Did your shining exapmle of what a President should be give a full report of his visit with that terrorist slime in the hospital in your country?
I hope they had fun.
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