Monday, November 22, 2004

Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican

I am sitting in my room, waiting for a friend to go to lunch, and flipping through my Farenheit 9/11 Reader. I am struck by what a powerful piece of film that movie was and the implications of what it reveals. The film really puts things into perspective and reminds me of 1984, which I guess it was meant to since it ended the movie with a quote from that book by George Orwell. In case you haven't read it, the main point of the book is that 'Big Brother', the leading political figure in the part of the world the story takes place in, is always watching you and controlling you. Big Brother and his two counterparts (the world is only in three main regions at that time) are perpetually in a war to keep people under control. Two are always against one, but the alliances change and all the past media is rewritten so it appears that the sides of the countries never changed. People are so brainwashed that they always buy it. Bush has been compared to Big Brother. Throwing us into an unjustitified war with Iraq allows him to control many people in this country into pushing his views on us all, and of course getting re-elected as he did. I am pleased that almost half of the voters in this country saw through his bull shit and did the smart thing by voting against him, but it wasn't quite enough. Still, those numbers give me hope that we can prevent a 1984 from happening in 2004. Don't let the tyrant Bush control us. Don't let corporations decide our global policy. Some people say get behind the president, the majority has spoken. I've thought about that for several weeks, and that would be the easy thing to do. Put aside my political beliefs for the next three years until the next campaign and then get passionate again, but that's not what life's about. Life is fighting for what you believe in and doing what's right. Bush is not doing what's right. I would be proud to be part of a campaign speaking out against him for the next four years. We need a president, not a dictator. I'm not getting behind him.



Erin said...

Jim, could you please explain what you mean when you say that GWB is a tyrant/dictator/Big Brother figure? I hear that a lot and I guess I don't entirely know what people mean when they say that.

I know you say in your post that he has forced America into an "unjustified war" and thereby controls many people, but I'm still a little shady on how that works as well.

I guess I just want to better understand what you're saying. Could you elaborate for me? Thanks. :)

Jerome Wetzel said...
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Jerome Wetzel said...

I would be delighted to, as much as I can. I am no expert, but I will tell you what I found out. I would refer you to Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11 (and it's companion reader that backs up all the facts in the movie), as well as other reputable sources which I am tired and am not going to look up tonight, but will try to provide you with a list of other sources within the week if you wish. Anyway, the Big Brother Bush theory stems from the foundations of the war with Iraq and connection, or lack thereof, with 9/11. After 9/11 Bush refused to go after Osama. He tried to block investigations of 9/11 by Congress and independent researchers. when the investigation was finally forced through, Bush had 15 pages of it censored. As for going after Osama, he grudgingly half-heartedly bombed a few targets in Afghanistan, but gave Osama 2 month head start before heading after him in his caves. Meanwhile, he whisked away 24 members of the bin Laden family and another 120 or so Saudis, as the bin Ladens are, out of the country with no questions asked immediately after Sept. 11. Standard investigation procedure includes questioning families, even in minor crimes. Osama has been called the black sheep in his family, and yet they welcome him to a family wedding just months before Sept. 11. He even admitted to not worrying about Osama months after Sept. 11 and not giving him much thought. Bush then kept asking the investiagtors and his intelligence departments (FBI, CIA, etc.) to find him connections between Saddam and 9/11. None were found, but Bush wasn't even asking about the al Queida, just Saddam, repeatedly. Then all of a sudden we go after Iraq looking for WMD, of which there never has been any proof of, and which both Bush and Colin Powel stated in the months before Sept. 11 could not possibly exist in Iraq. Suspicious? Highly. Hence the going to war with Iraq for unjustified reasons. Some say we went for revenge for his father, some say we went because of the enormous profits Bush and the bin Ladens, their business partners through the Carlyle group, have made off of this war, and throwing all the contracts for reconstruction to Halliburton. The Bush's group has made $1.4 billion dollars from Saudis and Iraq reconstruction in recent years, a lot more than he makes as President, and the first successful business venture Bush has made in his life (check out all his failed companies funded by the bin Ladens, not his dad, in the 70's, 80's, and 90's). Now saying Bush was in on Sept. 11 is a possibly a bit of a strecth, but clearly he has much to gain in this Iraq conflict and much money to made. He pushed the Patriot Act through in the middle of the night when no one could read it, and keeps America on a constant alert system without intelligence facts to back it up. That is why I consider his presidency a reign of terror. I could write more, but I am exhausted and heading to bed. I would be happy to talk to you more about this at a later date if you wish.

Anonymous said...

"That is why I consider his presidency a reign of terror."

so, does bush kill american citizens when they don't agree with him? does he have a regime set up so that he will be president for the rest of his life, and his kids and relatives will take over when he dies? does he promote the mass murder of innocent foreigners outside of wartime activities?

i think saying a "reign of terror" might be harsh. maybe you don't agree with the prez on the war and have questions about his motives but from what i see, the fact that you can post this kind of stuff on your web site and not have soldiers show up at your door and kill you for saying it means you don't live under any kind of terror.

just my 2 cents.

-sam g.

Jerome Wetzel said...

I have to say I think you completely missed my point, sam. He may or may not have successors set up, but he did go into that office with a plan, and I don't think we've seen the end of it yet. And yes, we do live under a reign of terror. I am constantly afraid of a draft (and don't see he's against it. the actions he's been taking that may lead to it speak louder than some bullshit he may have said that he's against it). I will not go to a war I don't believe in. I will not be drafted. And no, he has not sent soliders to my door, but that doesn't prove anything. Honestly, I didn't threaten him, so he has had no need to, if anyone in the government has even seen this blog. I would be pleased if they did. I know that after 9/11 talking bad about Bush was enough to get intelligence agents sent to their doors, such as the guy who made a comment in his gym about not liking Bush, some workout partners reported him, and the FBI showed up at his door. Or the peace group in california that protested the war, and so a sherrif's deputy infiltrated them to make sure they weren't going to attack anyone. This kind of stuff is ridiculous. A bunch of elderly people with cookies living states away from Bush were a threat? Honestly, though, I would not be prouder than if a secret service man showed up at my door inquiring about this blog. It's happened to people before, and I have nothing to hide. Bush is corrupt, he is ruining this country, and I say we get him out of office, and I will say soi as publically as I can. Who knows how he can manipulate our country in the coming years if we let him?