Thursday, September 30, 2004

Need Help!!!

I am working on a new facet of my web page. I figured we all have all these television shows we love and I want to share them with everyone. I am going to do A-B-C lists for all the great television shows I am addicted to. I have finished a draft, but some shows are easier to fill than others. I'll include what I have so far, and which ones I need. Please help me out on this! You can rearrange if a person can go under another letter (For instance Kirk could be under K or under J for James Kirk. Tara could be under T or under M for Maclay, Tara, etc.)
Angel, Buffy, Star Trek: The Original Series, The Next Generation, Voyager. Also in production, but not ready to present yet, are Enterprise, Alias, MASH, South Park, Smallville, Friends, and hopefully soon 24. Oh, and where do I put Druscilla? Anyone know her previous name or last name?

Angel Anya April Alexander Adani, Winn Astrometrics
Berkle, Fred Buffy Bones McCoy Barclay, Reg Bashir Borg
Conner Cordelia Chekov Crusher Changelings Chakotay
Darla Dawn Daystrom Data Dukat Doctor
Eve Enterprise Enterprise-D Ezri Equinox
Faith Finn, Riley Finney Flute Fontaine, Vic Fairhaven
Gunn Glorificus Guardian Guinan Garak
Holst Harmony Hikaru Sulu Hill, Dixon Hirogen
Iniative Ilia Iconian
Jasmine Jenny Calendar James Kirk Jellico Jadzia Janeway
Kendra Khan Keiko Kira Kim, Harry
Lorne Library Lester, Janice LaForge Leeta
Master, The Maclay, Tara Mudd, Harry Molly O'Brien Moogie Marquis
Number One Noonien Soong Nog Neelix
Offices, W&H Oz Orions O'Brien Odo
P'Leia (sp?) Potentials Pike Picard Prophets Paris, Tom
Qui'Tu Q Quark Q Continuum
Ring Rupert Giles Rand, Janice Riker Rom
Spike Summers, Joyce Scotty & Spock Sela Sisko(s) Seven of Nine
TPTB The Trio Tribbles Troi Terok Nor Torres & Tuvok
Uber-vamp Uhura Utopia Planitia
Viper Vampire Valeris Vash Vorta Voyager
Wesley Willow Warp Speed Worf Weyoun
Xander Xon Xandi
Yorktown Yar Yates, Kassidy
Zarabeth Zeframe Ziyal OR Zek

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