Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Do You Have Any Grey Poupon?

So I was reading my friend Erin's web site and she had a very interesting link about ketchup and mustard. What is interesting about ketchup and mustard, you might ask yourself. And you would be right. On the surface they are merely two condiments of primary colors that we consume as Americans on our "American food" which is really not from America at all. Anyway, it was a great article so you should all go to Erin's web site and follow her link.

So the topic of today is "Why You Shouldn't Be A Lush While Holding a Job". Factoid 1: I got drunk Thursday, Friday, and Saturday this weekend. That never happens. It was kinda fun. I didn't intend it to happen, but hanging out with people and partying leads to those kinds of things, and nudity, which sadly there was none of this weekend except myself in my shower. Come to think of it, my drinking parties never lead to nudity. This is something that should be corrected ASAP. Actually, knowing most of my attendees, maybe that's not such a great idea... So I drank those 3 nights. Friday I got up fairly early to do a marathon Angel watch and finish it. Saturday I got up early to work 8 hours and then played a college marching band game (Notice how I did not say football game) and then went to Sphinx's Lights Out, which was extremely fun. Sunday I worked a sixteen hours shift after two hours of sleep. Sunday night I was still going strong. Monday, came however. Six hours of sleep and then up for eight hours of work. I was exhausted! It caught up with me. I made it through band, a little Buffy (I finished Angel friday so it seemed fitting I should restart the series with my clarinet section on Saturday. Another six months of fun :)). I was asleep by 11:15 and slept until 9am this morning, and have still been exhausted all day. This mean that this past weekend was a bad idea because I am paying for it this week. So I will wait at least a couple of weeks before I repeat it. :)

BTW, party here friday night because Colonel Morgan, the new marching band director, was jealous he didn't get to party with us last weekend. Anyone want to see him drunk? :)

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