Friday, May 06, 2005


In honor of my second viewing of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, my blog today will be completly random.
~ I have not posted in a week since right after my first viewing.
~I posted 11 times last month on 10 days. Yay! I met my goal.
~I have not been on a date in months, have not had a girlfriend in two years. My life has been shit, and not just in the love department. I wonder if that's connected? And here's the kicker. I am not unhappy for the most part. Although I do wish my life wasn't such shit. :)
~Hitchhiker is better the second time. There are some very clever things in it.
~I am absolutely horrible at reading people.
~Will & Grace got renewedand for the first time Jack and Karen will match Will and Grace's salaries. Is that bullshit or what that it took this long?
~I spend too much on food. Meaning I eat out too much, not that I eat too much in general.
~I cannot be thin. I've tried, and I've put effort into it, and while I now have muscles I've never had before, my belly shows no sign of going away and my weight has stayed steady.
~I have slept more this year than probably the last three years combined. And I'm still tired right now. Am I old?
~I really want to amount to something, but I'm not sure I will.
~I have never been able to see my life past this point. Does that mean I will die soon?
~Why aren't the comics more popular? They're funny.
~I have watched more tv in the past two years than the rest of my life combined, and yet feel I have no time for it.
~What is the point of life?
~Why isn't Buffy back on the air yet in some incarnation?
~Why can't Paramount fire Rick Berman?
~Why does everyone like Grey's Anatomy and ER so danged much?
~Family Guy is the funniest cartoon ever. Hands down.
~Why is there brail on the drive through ATMs?
~How come I can't meet a woman that likes me, no matter how perfect they seem?
~Why do pants all fall apart in the same week?
~What is the purpose of getting out of bed in the morning?
~Why did I care about my grades so much for the past 17 years (until this year) when they don't mean shit in the real world?
~Why is my blog so long?
~Why have I been so restless and emotionally numb for so long now? Is something big coming in my life? I've felt it for two years and I'm still waiting for it to hit. But will it ever?

"The best laid plans of mice."
"And men."
"The best laid plans of mice and men."
"I don't think men had anything to do with it." ~ Slartibartfast and Arthur Dent, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, on the creation of the Earth

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