Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Weekend Update

So SNL's Weekend Update this week? Hilarious as usual! The Gates thing was funny, and so was Amy Poehler's stupidity. It was great! Now a quick update of my weekend. Warning, it is not that interesting.

Friday I hung out with Kristen, Amanda, and Jenn playing cards and games. It was a blast! And I drank, but I've been doing that less and less to save money and lose weight, so I guess it's ok. Then right as I was going to bed, Michael called and so I got Laura and went to hang out with him and Lisa and Cindy and Evan until like 2:30. It was a lot of fun, but then I had to get up the next morning and work a 15 hour shift. Work is getting to be a huge drag and I hate it. Saturday night I came home, did laundry, and by the time that was done, I was exhausted and it was late again. I got up early Sunday to work. Sunday night was probably the highlight of my weekend, though. A friend came over and we watched a movie and then hung out really late (I know, sleep is important, blah blah blah :)). It was great. Except even after 10 hours of sleep yesterday, I am still bone tired and have class and another 8 hours of work today. I really don't want to go. Oh, and Monday was Lisa's birthday so her and Michael and I hung out and had Outback. It was also fun. Now I have to go shower and start my marathon day. I'll try to update again soon. I really had nothing to say today, but I'm dangerously close to not getting my 10 postings this month so I had to write.

Qop! (from the Buffy episode "Older and Far Away")
RICHARD: You have weird friends.
XANDER: News from the file marked 'duh.'

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