Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I really don't have anything to write about, but it's been five days, and this is only my fifth post this month. I have to do five more in the next two weeks. I guess I could give you a few television updates. For instance, Armin Shimmerman (Quark on Deep Space 9 and Principal Snyder on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) made an appearance on Committed last week as the building's super. Sadly, he died in the episode. Oh, and William Shatner, because of the popularity and success he has had on Boston Legal, will not be appearing on Enterprise this season as previosuly announced by Paramount. Instead, they have signed Marina Sirtis and Jonathan Frakes (Troi and Riker fomThe Next Generation) to reprise their roles for the series finale. Brent Spiner is also expected to be back before the end of the season as the villian. So they are bringing half the cast of TNG in to finish off the show. I guess that gives it it's big send off, but it's a bit disappointing.

Also, Howard Dean was elected Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. I heard this news with mixed feelings. I am excited for him that he is in such a high profle job for the Democrats. Although as SNL said, if he's the head, who's going to be the neck? But this also means he cannot run for president in 2008, which saddens me. I wanted him to win in 2004 and am still unhappy about that scream taken totally out of context and ruining his chances. With Dean out of commission, I don't see any other choice for the Democrats but to run their leading candidate, Hilary Clinton. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a huge Hilary fan, and as SNL said, it's a nice, fresh new way for them o get their asses handed to them on a platter. However, who else stands a chance of winning? I mean, if they put Hilary out I think they only chance the Republicans have of beating her is to get the law changed and run Arnold. Those debates could be on Pay-Per-View! Talk about a circus! Anyway, the Clintons did ok for 8 years and other than my man Dean (and admittedly Arnold), I don't know who else might be a good president, so we'll just wait and see.

"Laughter really is the best medicine and that story just cleared up my hepatitus." ~ Bobbie, Joey's agent on Joey played by Jennifer Coolidge (Stifler's mom) in last week's episode.

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