Sunday, December 12, 2004

I Hate My Dad

I do hate my dad. I thought about putting a big long rant on here about our conversation today, but what would the point be? It's not going to change anything, and it's just airing personal crap on the net, which I swore I would never let this blog turn into a place to air my personal emotional issues. Just things of public interest that tick people off :), as well as events of my life. So instead I added a subplot to my book (will be done with my editing by Christmas! Who wants to be my next editor?). Is that wrong? I mean, I used exact words and everything. You think if it gets published, and he reads it, he'll be angry? Ah, well. He's a jerk anyway. Ok, I guess that's all I have for today.

P.S. I am having a small gathering on New Year's Day about 9pm. I don't know why I'm doing it after New Year's Eve, but I am, so anyone that reads this is invited. Cool? Old Commons, IIF. BYOB (or A or just plain beverages because I'm poor) and I'll have some snacky food. Ciao.

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