Monday, March 19, 2007

Frozen Beverages

I love frozen beverages. Who doesn't? I always have, from my first Icee or milkshake, to my most recent daiquiri or mudslide. Any one is tasty, even in cold weather, and I indulge from time to time. My problem is that I can never make a truly great one at home. I can do all right with a blender, but they just don't have the consistency to be really really great. You would think with today's technology, and the fact that frozen beverages are not a new invention, that an easy-to-use machine would be available for the general public. Or has there not been enough demand for one? And if so, why not? I, at some point in the next few years, will probably invest in an industrial style drink mixer, so that my frozen beverages will be close to the real thing. But will I ever accomplish my goal of making restaurant or bar quality beverages at home? I don't know.

Qop! (The Nine, Kim Raver & Tim Daly)
Kathryn Hale: Guess we go back to our lives, then...
Nick Cavanaugh: I guess so

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