Friday, February 02, 2007

Man Market

So WNCI's Man Market last night was interesting. Definitely a lot more fun than a couple of years ago when I went. It was at Flannagan's, and it was packed, shoulder to shoulder. I drank semi-heavily (I wasn't driving), and actually got the courage to make it up on stage where Dave Kaelin told them all I looked like John Lennon. I have to say, I was flattered. I've never really looked like any celebrity, but I guess with the longer hair and scruffiness I finally do. And I like John Lennon. Who doesn't? Then the really scary part came. I had to dance. On stage. In front of a mass of screaming women. I did it, looking (I think) semi confident, although as we exited through the parking lot a short time later one girl did comment that she could tell I 'flew' off the stage. Oh, well. I still was a lot braver than I would have been a couple fo years ago. Now if it had only helped me meet girls... :)

Qop! (from Ruminations)
No matter which way you slice it, you've sliced it. And it won't grow back. Way to not pay attention, idiot.

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