Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Blogger

Yes, I know it has been more than a month since I posted. I was going to give you a whole spiel about how I have been so busy finishing up the last semester of grad school, working two jobs, starting to date someone, the holidays, and all that other stuff, but then I actually went to the blogger site and came up with a new reason: They made me upgrade to the new blogger! Not made, but I was going to have to soon, so sort of made. hence the extra delay. Now, although I haven't really had a chance to explore it yet, I really liked the old blogger, and those of you who know me know that I hate being forced to change something that I like. I'm sure that this new thing is way cooler, but now I'm supposed to go back and categorize all my old entries, which is a lot of work. I haven't decided if I am going to go it yet or not. Until I get a handle on this thing, I probably won't post again. However, I want to be back to regular posts by the new year, so I'll probably figure it out. Stupid blogger.

Qops! (from Alias)
Vaughn: Look, if I'm not back in a couple of hours I'm probably dead.
Agent Eric Weiss: Good to know.

Marcus Dixon: Listen, while you're grabbing the Rambaldi manuscript, if you happen to see a sandwich...
Sydney: You got it.

Sloane: Marshall, would you please go back to work?
Agent Marshall Flinkman: Just to clarify, I'm not being fired?
Sloane: Back to work means not fired.

Agent Jack Bristow: If you tell anyone about this conversation, you will no longer be able to wear a hat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was a great quote between Vaughn and Weiss that I loved, but now I can't remember it :( From one of the middle seasons ...

You better update ... or return your phone calls. Not that I call all that often, but who else can I debate the merits of Studio 60 with? I mean, seriously!

I got an e-card today from Otterbein with a little slideshow of the campus during the winter with the concert choir singing Silent Night. I'll admit, I almost cried.
